| - You must be level 30+ if free to play. However, you only have to be level 15+ if you are pay to play. We are mixed alignment, including neutral. However, we strongly incurage people to be bontarian.
- A Triumvirate is a group of three who form the highest political office that exists within the Systems Commonwealth government. There are a total of 3 triumvirs in the Commonwealth who make up the Triumvirate.
- Triumvirate is a six player map in Sins of a Solar Empire consisting of 4 stars and 59 planets. Official Description: Will your neighbor aid or hinder your conquest of the Lilad System? Choose your diplomatic posture wisely - other factions maybe enlisting allies of their own.
- The Triumvirate, whose members are known as Gaius, Nero, and Commodus, are the true main antagonists of Contra: Shattered Soldier.
- The Triumbirate, a group of three people who came together in order to rule the seas. The group was founded when all three members found themselves seperated from their respective groups with no way of getting back to them. They then formed a team.
- The Triumvirate were a group of three phaerimm who managed to escape Anauroch through a breach in the Sharn Wall. They conquered the beholder city of Ooltul in the Northdark.
- Triumvirate is the first Star Trek is...-based story treatment to be written. It is considered by the author to be the first episode of the second season, with the first season episodes documented in the Star Trek is... pitch.
- Many years ago, before the start of the Contra series, they stole the Moirai Relic, which led to Red Falcon invading to get the relic back. After Red Falcon was destroyed in The Alien Wars, the Triumvirate framed Bill Rizer for killing his partner Lance Bean and 80% of the human population and sentenced Bill for 10000 years in prison, but release Bill in 2647 to stall for the near-complete analysis of the Relic. After Bill discovers the truth, he confronts the Triumvirate, but by then the analysis is complete. However, the relic overwhelms the Triumvirate, transforming them.
- Knowledge of the Triumvirate came to Earth from intelligence given by Zor Prime to Dana Sterling after he regained some of his memories. This information was later confirmed to the Army of the Southern Cross by the testimony of Lieutenant Marie Crystal who had boarded a Tirolian Corvette.
- Triumvirate is a 2012 American Horror film written by Tony Gilroy & Dan Gilroy and directed by Tony Gilroy starring Joaquin Phoenix, Javier Bardem, Jude Law, Anne Hathaway, Dylan O'Brien, Malese Jow, Richard Harmon, AJ Michalka, Jason Dolley and Kristen Wiig.
- Triumvirate is a multiplayer map for StarCraft. It supports up to three players.
- The gnomish nation of Zilargo is ruled by the Triumvirate, which was originally formed to govern the Library of Korranberg and its colleges and students, but was chosen as the general form of government to unite the various gnomish city-states against the war machine of Malleon the Reaver, a human warlord who lived in the era of conflict and exploration following the arrival of Lhazaar to Khorvaire from Sarlona. A triumvir is chosen for each of Zilargo's largest cities: Korranberg, Trolanport, and Zolanberg.
- A Triumvirate is formed when a vampire, a human, and a shapeshifter share their essences with each other and bond in the manner a master vampire bonds with a human servant. They will share each other's powers, thoughts, and personalities. It takes a degree of control to be able to adapt to the power of a triumvirate. Normally, triumvirates are formed by a master vampire, its human servant, and its animal to call. However, it is not always the case. In extremely rare circumstances a powerful human can bond a non-master vampire and their own animal to call (should they have one) to themselves. Despite all of this, triumvirates in any shape are still quite rare amongst vampires as they either prefer just a human servant, do not have an animal to call, or are not powerful enough to do this.
- The Triumvirate were a group that existed within the Romulan Star Empire. The term was used to refer to the three most powerful Romulans within the Star Empire namely the Empress, Praetor and the Proconsul. (VOY novel: Cloak and Dagger)
- The Triumvirate, or "Salasari" in the Qunlat language, is the governing body of all of Qunari society. They are three individuals that represent a perfect trinity, a whole that the three complete. Arishok the body, Arigena the mind, and Ariqun the soul, are the three pillars of Qunari society.
- The Triumvirate is a group consisting of a Hero of Strength, a Hero of Skill and a Hero of Will. These should not be confused with the Albionite ones of Fable II. The Triumvirate lived in a land far to the east of Albion a long time ago, though after the Fable events, since the Hero of Skill uses a gun. They were an invincible force only stoppable by death. They created a sword, a gun and a gauntlet to preserve their might.
- The Triumvirate was the name given to the three founders of Time Lord civilisation on the planet Gallifrey. (PROSE: Remembrance of the Daleks) The Gallifreyans who would become the Triumvirate overthrew the rule of the Pythia in an event known as the Intuitive Revelation. (PROSE: Cat's Cradle: Time's Crucible) Omega was a stellar engineer who created a device capable of changing the structure of stars. Called the Hand of Omega, this device was used to "customise" a star called Qqaba, but Omega was lost and presumed dead in the resulting reaction. (PROSE: The Infinity Doctors)
- The Triumvirate is a Legendary Source for the Wizard in Diablo III. It requires character level 60 to drop. As of patch 2.2.0, it gained a unique affix that greatly boosts the Arcane Orb in tandem with Electrocute, Magic Missile, Spectral Blade or Shock Pulse. The stacks generated by Triumvirate are not consumed upon cast, and refresh with each application. This Source is especially deadly when combined with Delsere's Magnum Opus and Unstable Scepter. Stacks are granted on cast, even if that cast does not hit an enemy.
- | || CAST |- | APRIL || || || LESLIE |- | SKURPAJ || || || 2 SUPERNUMARY |- | KIRK || || || BARTENDER |- | STREK || || || SAREK |- | McCOY || || || COLTI |- | NUMBER ONE || || || BOYLAN |- | KARIDIAN || || || KELLY |- | SCOTT || || || HAFTEL |- | || SETS |- | INTERIORS || || || EXTERIORS |- | YORKTOWN || || || SS YORKTOWN |- | Transporter Room || || || |- | Ready Room/Captain's Quarters || || || ASTRAL QUEEN |- | Reception Hall || || || |- | Turboelevator || || || |- | Sickbay || || || |- | Rec room || || || |- | ASTRAL QUEEN || || || |- | Forward lounge || || || |- | Bridge || || || |}
- A "Triumvirate of Suffering and Despair" was how General Gregor, leader of the Knights of Byzantium, referred to the trio of Deities that included Glorificus and ruled a hell dimension of "unspeakable torment".
- Initially formed as an alliance between the technologically advancing people of Aquilaris, Zeltros and the newly discovered Talor; the Triumvirate was a union of races and planets using their advanced technology to defend and assist their people. With the Galactic field swiftly changing the Triumvirate quickly gained favour amongst the planets more distant from the Galactic Core, especially those in the Outer Rim Territories and with the alliegence of the Talor system in the Unknown Regions, more planets previous undiscovered would join the ranks of the Triumvirate.
- The goal of the Triumvirate was for members of all three factions to compete to earn their faction the most influence. Each faction gained influence based on victories in Challenges, the size of their Army, the number of Individuals in the faction, and any other special awards made by the J-mods for a notable contribution to the community. Influence gained upon winning events depended on the scale of the event and the risk involved. There was no cap as for how much influence one faction can gain in total and the battle for dominance amongst the factions could be considered never-ending.