| - Grotesquely mutilated bodies keep turning up at Coreen's favorite Goth hangout leading Vicki into her assistant's darkly alternative lifestyle.
- Bugged es el segundo episodio de Cars Toons: Tales from Radiator Springs. Fue estrenado el 22 de Marzo de 2013 en Disney Channel.
- Red was watering his flowers when a bug flies up to his face. Red blew it away, but it came back. He tried blowing it more, but it was still coming back. He tried shaking it off, and even honking his horn, but it still wouldn't leave. Then, he tried to splash water on it, and it worked. He was happy, until he saw the bug on Stanley's statue, he was sad, covered with water, and couldn't fly. Red blowing him dry, and he was able to fly again. Red watched the bug fly away, and went back to watering his flowers. However, the bug came back, with two more bugs. The bugs still bothered him, but he still continued watering his flowers.
- "Bugged" is the second half of the third episode in the eighth season of Arthur.
- Red was watering his flowers when a bug flies up to his face. Red blows it away, but it comes back. He tries blowing it more, but it was still coming back. He tries shaking it off, and even honking his horn, but it still wouldn't leave. Then, he tries to splash water on it, and it worked. He was happy, until he sees the bug on Stanley's statue. He was sad, as the bug was covered with water and couldn't fly. Red blows him dry, and he was able to fly again. Red watches the bug fly away, and goes back to watering his flowers. However, the bug comes back with two more bugs. The bugs still bother him, but he still continues watering his flowers.
- Mission Type [[Category: missions]] Bugged is a mission involving killing Lance, bugging a communications dish, and taking a gondola ride.
- Bugged is the 3rd episode of Season Seven and the overall 148th episode. It was aired on October 13, 1995. It was written by Fred Fox, Jr. and directed by Richard Correll.