| - These winged lizards possessed heavily muscled bodies covered by purple scales. Their long necks held small heads with short, wide snouts and sharp fangs. An adult drexl's largest teeth were the length of a Human arm, and the creatures had a stature similar to that of a krayt dragon when fully grown. A fully grown male specimen had a wingspan of twenty meters across. The peculiar orbit of Dxun around Onderon allowed them to migrate to that world. Drexl began life in a larval stage and were born 3 meters tall. They had no wings in this stage, but were extremely fierce as well as vicious. These drexl larvae were more humanoid in shape with two legs and two arms, three fingered, clawed hands, a tail, and three rows of spines down their back. The skin of at least some larvae was bright green unlike the dark purple of the adults. Handling a single Drexl was a difficult task, often requiring three riders to accomplish it. One rider was required to focus their handling on the reins and direct the beast, while another rider was armed with a weapon, with the third rider calling out orders to the controlling rider. In many cases, drexls were immune to the influence of the Force. Darth Bane, however, was able to subjugate a drexl's mind to his own on a second attempt, shortly after failing due to the unforeseen strength of the reptilian's mind, as compared to a rancor's.
- Drexl are huge winged creatures that were initially native to the moon of Dxun but have since spread to Onderon thanks to the moon’s unique orbit which temporarily connects with the atmosphere of the planet and allows Dxun's creatures to migrate across the divide. Although they share attributes with reptiles and insects, drexls are technically classified as "reptoavians." They have flat, wedge-shaped heads with 10 horns, two short arms, a huge wingspan, and long tails with a barbed stinger on the end. They are extremely territorial, and will violently defend their lands. Young drexl, also known as larval drexl, are flightless and are often looked after by their mother until they grow their wings, however even flightless drexl are far from helpless. Drexl are also commonly referred to as the Onderon Warbeast since these fearsome predators were the most numerous of those tamed millennia ago by the famous Beast Riders of Onderon. However, a large number of drexl are wild and roam the mostly undeveloped wilds with impunity.