| - Not enough Dalek-Dalek Bob
:There is no possible way I can argue with that. --Under_user/sig3 (21:30, Aug 22)
* It's a nice article, but I don't think the title fits. Perhaps if it were named Memoirs of a Baby or something I would receive it better, but as it is, I'm not really feeling it. Necropaxx/sig (Sunday, 01:51, Aug 22 2010)
*:A quick response, if I may: 1). The book as all about his relationship with his father, not his whole life, such as it is. Therefore memoirs of a baby would be inaccurate 2). This title fits better with the overblown literary pretensions of the tone of voice of this particular baby, and also the idea that he's deluding himself that his dialogue is understandable, hence making it a conversation. Memoirs of a baby sounds generic - this baby aspires to greatness. iii). Sonje already chopped the perfect cover for ths title - I ain't changin'. D). It's only a title! --Under_user/sig3 (21:30, Aug 22)