| - Bernie Shovel is exhausted after four months of clandestine hiking. He has climbed up the Cretan mountains and was nearly shot by a passing German patrol. He has dodged minefields unsuccessfully and lost a foot. Hopping over a ridge, he spots the ocean beneath and realises he has made it. And there she is, Doris Felch, with the moon glinting off her false teeth like the rear lights on a Morris Minor. In an urgent whisper, he says: "Doris, it is me, Bernie" "Bernie, oh my Bernie, you made it! Yet, we have only a minute for I must go!" "Oh... ok, then, See you later."
| - Bernie Shovel is exhausted after four months of clandestine hiking. He has climbed up the Cretan mountains and was nearly shot by a passing German patrol. He has dodged minefields unsuccessfully and lost a foot. Hopping over a ridge, he spots the ocean beneath and realises he has made it. And there she is, Doris Felch, with the moon glinting off her false teeth like the rear lights on a Morris Minor. In an urgent whisper, he says: "Doris, it is me, Bernie" "Bernie, oh my Bernie, you made it! Yet, we have only a minute for I must go!" "Only a minute. A minute of stolen pleasure, and then we must part. It's this war. This damned awful war. This damned useless bastard war. This damned stupid bloody bloody damned..." "Oh, no Bernie, it's not the war, it's just that I think I left the gas on. I was pretty sure I'd turned it off when I left, but now I can't be so sure. I've got to go and check. How about we meet here again later, say 1943?" "Oh... ok, then, See you later."