| - 38F - Hell Train: The Dallar Show (23): With Baam exhausted from his fight, the clone comes down to congratulate and thank him for defeating Hoaqin. Daniel then hobbles over and asks if Roen was inside, but the clone tells him the upsetting truth. With the news, Daniel tearfully asks if the clone could tell Roen's spirit that he loved her too and to thank her for letting him live. Floating above the boiling acid, the defeated Hoaqin reminisces to the time he encountered his father, Arie Hon, and told him of his ambition to surpass him. After showing him the Arie Family Altar, Hon told Hoaqin that no matter how hard he tried, Hoaqin would never surpass him here and if he wanted to do so, he would have to leave and return as a demon. Suddenly, boiling acid bursts through the roof and falls into the arena, surprising everyone and interrupting Koon's interrogation of Rachel; Rachel then tells her opponent that FUG never had any intention of letting them escape. Ha Yura then shifts into action leaping up and getting ready to teleport away with Hoaqin and Rachel. As Rachel is about to escape, Baam calls out to her but she tells him that when they next meet they will be enemies. Elsewhere in the train Yuri and Evan race towards Baam's location, having been given the directions from Pedro. However the journey would take them no less than 4 hours which would be too late. Just then, Evan realised there is a path to get to Baam quicker but it would put Yuri in danger if she attempted it, leaving Yuri with a question to answer.