| - Talania Tresca was a Jedi knight and mother of Genette Kessana. She left the Jedi Order to raise her daughter and settled on Tatooine, ostensibly to hide from the Jedi. In reality she was keeping the knowledge of Genette's existence from her father's people, the Olari. While on a mission, Talania met and fell in love with an Olari warrior. She was content to keep the relationship a secret and did not appear to be at all conflicted in regards to the Jedi Code. However, the realization that she was pregnant, coincided with the death of her lover. Knowing that the Olari would feel honor bound to raise her child (and strenuously attemp to do that), and realizing that the Olari way could be a danger for a Force strong child, Talania kept her pregnancy a secret and went into hiding on Tatooine where she raised her daughter, Genette. She made a living as a healer among the nomadic Jawas and the moisture farmers. She also taught Genette Jedi philosophy and trained her in the Jedi arts. When Genette was 14, Talania fell fatally ill. Weighing all the options, Talania ultimately decided the best course for Genette lay with the Olari. She'd given Genette a firm foundation, and her father's clan would give her a home and protect her. Daris Kessana, a distant relative of Genette's father, adopted Genette and the girl formally became a member of Clan Kessana. Talania died shortly afterwards, content with having ensured her daughter's future.