en:Grax Grax Állampolgársága: ÁlcaKategória:Álca Karakterek Alcsoport: Álcafők Kategória:Álca fejmesterek Kategória:Fejmesterek Rendeltetése: - Komponens: Fejreccsentő Első Megjelenés: - Jellemzése: gyáros Nebuloson, s azért társult Fej- reccsentővel, hogy tönkretegye riválisait. Az alakváltó már nem volt olyan lelkes; egy nebulo- si áldozat még szendvicsnek sem jó! Képességei: - Gyenge Pontja: -
Grax was a Klingon smuggler and captain of the Klingon Empire.
Grax is an alien supervillain and enemy of Superman.
Grax is a Dream Creature native to the Core whose body consists of a purple mass of shells and tentacles. Like the , Grax's legs are four spikes attached to a platform.
A ruthless businessman and industrialist, Grax was willing to do whatever it took to solidify his place at the top of Nebulan business world. Not that he needed much convincing to undergo the binary bonding process to combine with Skullcruncher in order to eliminate his business rivals, the Decepticon methods of utterly and cruelly absorbing all foes were just more literally bloody versions of Grax's own. Skullcruncher didn't see the similarity though, Nebulan corporate types were barely even a snack...