| - Skipper: (looking in a mission file laughing) Classic! Private: Alright there, Skipper? Skipper: At ease, Private. I was laughing at a little joke in the mission files. (laughs) Private: Is it a funny one? Skipper: Oh, yeah! Private: Well, can I see it, then--(Skipper hides file) Skipper: CLASSIFIED! Kowalski: What's classified? (Skipper shows Kowalski the file which makes Kowalski bust out laughing) Ooh, classic! Private: What? Why does Kowalski get to see it? Skipper: Well, he's got top-secret clearence. We can't go showing our classified material to just anybody! Rico, you gotta see this!
| - Skipper: (looking in a mission file laughing) Classic! Private: Alright there, Skipper? Skipper: At ease, Private. I was laughing at a little joke in the mission files. (laughs) Private: Is it a funny one? Skipper: Oh, yeah! Private: Well, can I see it, then--(Skipper hides file) Skipper: CLASSIFIED! Kowalski: What's classified? (Skipper shows Kowalski the file which makes Kowalski bust out laughing) Ooh, classic! Private: What? Why does Kowalski get to see it? Skipper: Well, he's got top-secret clearence. We can't go showing our classified material to just anybody! Rico, you gotta see this! Rico: HAHAHAH! Classic! Private: Rico, too?!? How's that fair?!? Skipper: Sorry, Private! But some files are too private for a Private. Private: Well then, perhaps it's time I got a promotion! Kowalski and Rico gasp, as Rico spins the hair on his doll, covering the doll's face. Skipper: Let the promotion test begin! Private: Um, what test? Skipper: Tonight, you go mono-a-mono with the most fearsome beast in the concrete jungle. Private: A badger? Skipper: Exactly--what? No, not a badger! It's a secret, okay? (rubbing his flippers together) A mysterious, and deadly secret! Kowalski: (to Skipper) He doesn't know what he's saying! Give the boy a chance to back out! Skipper: Nope! There are no take-backs in this unit! Rico, hit the snooze!