| - Minister is a minor character in Rugrats. He is voiced by Gregg Berger.
- Minister is the highest ranking government position in the Caledonian Federation on the planet Tegalus. When SG-1 visited the first time the current Minister, Treydan, was responsible for launching Caledonian missiles against the Rand Protectorate after Soren took control of the government. A year later Chaska had taken over as Minister and tried to negotiate with Rand but failed and Caledonia was destroyed. (SG1: "Icon", "Ethon")
- Minister was the man who had a speech at Ashley Freund and Ashlyn Halperin's funeral. Ian McKinley complained to him about his speech saying the students were "equal in death's eyes" before he was forced to leave by Lewis and Kevin.
- The Minister lived in the East coast Ape City in the latter half of the 40th century. In the year 3978, he presided over funeral services for a gorilla hunter. His sermon was interrupted by George Taylor who, having just escaped from captivity, briefly sought shelter inside the Minister's church. The Minister called out for the nearby guards to "get rid of the creature". While evading the pursuing gorillas, Taylor dashed past the Minister, nearly knocking him over. The Minister probably died a short time later when Taylor detonated the Alpha-Omega Bomb (if not before).
- Minister ist eine der wenigen UNSC - Welten, von deren Existenz die Allianz nichts weiß, was vermutlich auf den Umstand zurückzuführen ist, dass dieser Planet auch unter den Menschen relativ unbekannt ist. Diese Anonymität bewahrte Minister höchstwahrscheinlich vor der Vernichtung. Kategorie:Planeten Kategorie:Menschen Kategorie:Innere Kolonien Kategorie:UEG Welten
- Ein Minister ist ein ausgewachsener Ministrant.
- Su nombre viene de Mini y Hamster
- 5x13Minister.png|Minister (House Call) A Minister appeared in a total of 2 episodes over the course of the series.
- Minister was a position in many galactic governments, usually being the heads of a ministry.
- The Minister was about to marry Princess Gwendolyn to Prince Delwin at Durham Castle in Fairytale Land when the wicked Gimghoul interrupted the wedding ceremony and used his Spell Sceptre to put a spell on Delwin. Later, Gimghoul forced Gwendolyn to marry him and the same Minister once again was master of ceremonies. But the wedding was interrupted yet again, this time by Delwin, who had been turned into a troll, and the Ghostbusters, who had come to Delwin's aid.
- Minister could be:
* Minister (It's a Wonderful Lie) - a character in It's a Wonderful Lie, portrayed by Cheyenne Wilbur
* Minister (Birthmarks) - the minister who administered the funeral of John House in Birthmarks, portrayed by Jonathan Palmer
* Minister (Both Sides Now) - the minister who presided at the wedding of Robert Chase and Allison Cameron in Both Sides Now, portrayed by William Woff
- Ein Minister ist ein hoher Politiker, der meist in einer Regierung einer staatlichen Einrichtung arbeitet. Ein Minister kann entweder der höchste, also der Regierungschef sein oder ein Minister für einen bestimmten Aufgabenbereich. 2152 ist ein vulkanischer Minister schwer erkrankt und dem Tode nahe. In dieser Situation nimmt er Kontakt mit seinem Sohn Kov auf, mit dem er sich vor Jahren zerstritten hatte. Der Minister kann jedoch erfolgreich behandelt werden und söhnt sich mit Kov aus. (ENT: )
- Der Minister ist der direkte Vorgesetzte von Mister L. Er kreuzt in der Regel immer dann im Hauptquartier der T.I.A. auf, wenn dort mal wieder das Chaos tobt. Und natürlich fällt Mister L dann prompt in Ungnade, gerät in die unmöglichsten, beschämenden Situationen und sein Stuhl beginnt zu wackeln. Der Minister hat keinen Namen. Außerdem ändert sich sein Erscheinungsbild recht häufig. Meistens hat er aber eine Glatze, einen weißen Schnurrbart und trägt eine Brille. Hier ein aktuelles Bild von ihm aus dem Album # 174. Kategorie:Charakter Kategorie:T.I.A. Kategorie:Die Randfiguren
- Minister was a man who presided over the funeral of Jackie Vance during Shiva (episode).
- This minister married Gabrielle Marquez and Victor Lang. During the wedding reception, Susan asks the minister if he has any plans for that night, to which he replies no. Later that evening, he marries Susan Mayer and MIke Delfino in the woods.
- Minister är den högst rankade sektorns finanser i Caledonia Federationen på planeten Tegalus. När SG-1 besökte för första gången den nuvarande ministern, Treydan, var ansvarig för lanseringen av Caledonianer missiler mot Rand Protektorat efter Soren tog kontroll över regeringen. Ett år senare hade Chaska tagit över som minister och försökte förhandla med Rand men misslyckades och Caledonianerna förstördes. (SG1: "Icon", "Ethon")
- A high rank in governmenets. A minister is usually in charge of an aspect of a government like the military or the economy and is often times headed by another person like a head minister or a premier.
- Minister – stanowisko w rządzie. W Polsce może je zająć każdy. Większość ministrów przynależy do jakiejś partii politycznej, która zrzesza szaleńców, dorobkiewiczów, szaleńców i dorobkiewiczów; oraz do pewnych charakterystycznych nacji narodowych. Ministrowie zajmują się różnymi sprawami, jak np. projektowanie biało-czerwonych krawatów lub wprowadzanie do szkół nowych przedmiotów, mających na celu umocnienie uczniów w ich patriotyzmie. Nieoficjalnie mówi się, że ministrowie przy objęciu stanowiska otrzymują pokeballa, by mogli wzywać do siebie pokemony i prosić je o pomoc w wymyślaniu wzorów nowych ustaw.
- Minister is a non-playable character (or NPC) in Shining Force II: Ancient Sealing.
- The Minister presides over weddings (even some that have nothing to do with love) on Planet Druidia, at the First Intergalactic Temple (Reformed) of the Druids, and doesn't like getting interrupted.
- Minister was the title of certain government officials, particularly Barrayar's Council of Ministers.
- The Minister officiated the wedding of Indiana Jones and Marion Ravenwood at a chapel in Bedford, Connecticut in 1957 .
- A minister was a politician who held significant public office in a national or regional government. Senior ministers were often members of a cabinet. Each ministry in the Star Kingdom of Manticore's government was overseen by a minister, though they were sometimes called "lords", like the Lord of the Exchequer. In many star nations, the chief executive of the government was the Prime Minister. (HH1) In other star nations, like the Republic of Haven, the politicians holding minister positions were called 'secretaries'. (HH1)
- < [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Minister]] ministre < [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Minister]] ministre < [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Minister]] minister (“‘an attendant, servant, assistant, a priest's assistant or other under official’”) < minor (“‘less’”) + -ter; see minor.
- ミニスターは人類の殖民地の一つだ。この植民地はコヴナントの攻撃を受けているかどうか分かっていない。 モートン伍長は昔ここに居住していた。 UNSCによって今も無傷で保持されている可能性がある。
- This Minister worked for King Phaedron of Marathon. When Iolaus (in disguise as King Orestes) visited Phaedron to explain his idea for a league of united kingdoms, he had to speak to Hector. Hector would then speak to the Minister and only the Minister would speak to King Phaedron. Phaedron had the Minister imprisoned for not coming up with the idea of a united league of kingdoms first.
- Minister - Titel Die Minister sind vielerorts höchste Diener eines Reich oder einer Provinz in ihrem Thema. Xyar-Karan und Muscae auf Karcanon haben das mit sehr vielen Themen zur Perfektion getrieben, auch wenn seit dem Jahr der Flut in Karalo-Floran statt Minister "Ministeriale" als Titel gesagt werden soll.
* Friedensminister ist dabei auch durch den späteren Kaiser Bofri der berühmteste Titel, der auch in mehreren Reichen vorkommt.
* Aussenminister ist dabei der häufigste Titel. Viele Reiche nennen ihren Meister der Diplomatie mit diesem Titel.
- Minister is a title commonly given to high-ranking politicians in a number of national and planetary governments. Ministers are often members of a cabinet, and serve as heads of specific ministries. In parliamentary governments, the head of government is called Prime Minister or First Minister.
- Ministers are men and women who have been appointed to an office of Tropico's ministry by the presidente. Many edicts and special buildings require a minister of some kind.
- This minister is a fictional character of the 1975 movie Moonrunners. He is a Baptist preacher in Shiloh County.
- George Fox would often rail against the Anglican Church's "hireling ministers". At the time, the job of minister was used as a political plum. Unqualified people were often appointed to be ministers by the king and parliament of Great Britain. On rare occasions, a minister would come to church and read the sermon falling down drunk. Quakers (Friends) often objected to being forced to pay tithes to the Anglican Church for the support of these men. Unprogrammed Friends don't believe that we have no ministers, but rather that we are all ministers. Pastoral Friends --Paul Klinkman
- Minister is een titel die gegeven wordt aan een vertegenwoordiger van een regering of organisatie. In een politieke structuur hebben ministers de zeggenschap over een bepaalde afdeling (zoals landbouw) In de 22e eeuw werkten ministers in het Vulcan hoge commando onder de verantwoordelijkheid van een administrator. (ENT: "Kir'Shara", "United") Deze titel was in de 24e eeuw nog steeds in gebruik toen het hoofd van de Vulcan veiligheidsdienst, ook bekend als de V'Shar, de titel minister had. (TNG: "Gambit, Deel II")
- A Minister is a government leader capable of filling one of the ten ministerial positions within the government. Ministers of the current and other governments may be viewed under the Diplomacy Tab in the game. Ministers are individuals, usually historical, and are specific per country. Each minister can only fulfill certain roles, and has a trait that indicates his impact upon the country he serves. Ministers have an ideology which helps determine which ministers are placed in power when the government changes, as well as affecting their loyalty to certain governments. Most ministers have a net positive effect on the country, though each in a different area. A few have a net negative effect. As well as serving ministers, there will be alternatives available for a player to choose from for
- Een minister is een persoon die deelneemt aan de regering van een land,en die over het algemeen ook leiding geeft aan een ministerie. Het woord minister is overgenomen uit het Latijn, waar het woord 'minister' dienaar betekent. Oorspronkelijk werd het vooral gebruikt om huisdienaren aan te duiden. In het christelijke Latijn duidde het de dienaren van God aan, oftewel de priesters, diakens, enz.