| - Simon: Ready, Dave. Dave: Theodore. Theodore: Oh, boy. Dave: Alvin? Alvin? ALVIN! The Chipmunks: It's a wonderful day, it's the greatest time of the year Time for singing and dancing, and time for joy and good cheer Look at all of those presents, just waiting there by the tree We hope there's one for you Alvin: And I hope the rest are for me. Dave: Alvin! The Chipmunks: Here goes bells that are ringing, oh, Christmas time is so near It's a wonderful day, it's the greatest time of the year Alvin: Oh, boy, look, a surfboard. Simon: I got an Encyclopedia set Dave. Dave: Well get rid of it and sing!
| - "Wonderful Day" is an original song sung by The Chipmunks, featuring Dave Seville, that was released as a single in 1963 and is part of the Christmas with The Chipmunks, Vol. 2, The Chipmunks Greatest Christmas Hits, Christmas with The Chipmunks (2006), and Chipmunks Christmas albums. The song is also included in the special A Chipmunk Christmas with an extended version in the DVD album Christmas with The Chipmunks (2012).
| - Simon: Ready, Dave. Dave: Theodore. Theodore: Oh, boy. Dave: Alvin? Alvin? ALVIN! The Chipmunks: It's a wonderful day, it's the greatest time of the year Time for singing and dancing, and time for joy and good cheer Look at all of those presents, just waiting there by the tree We hope there's one for you Alvin: And I hope the rest are for me. Dave: Alvin! The Chipmunks: Here goes bells that are ringing, oh, Christmas time is so near It's a wonderful day, it's the greatest time of the year Dave: Very pretty, fellas. Hey, boys, I'll tell ya what, you can each open a present While we waiting for the next chorus? Alvin: Oh, boy, look, a surfboard. Simon: I got an Encyclopedia set Dave. Dave: Wonderful, boys, and how about you? I. Wait a minute, Alvin, where did you get that harmonica? Alvin: It's a present, Dave, from me to me. Dave: Well get rid of it and sing! Alvin: OKAY! The Chipmunks: Hear those bells that are ringing, oh, Christmas time is so near It's a wonderful day, it's the greatest time of the year Dave: Well, fellas, in spite of everything that was really, where's Alvin? Alvin, will you please stop that? You're ruining a perfectly good. You're playing the wrong song in the wrong key Alvin! ALVIN!