He was trained by the White Brotherhood, so he has the usual power set of strength, uncannily fast reflexes and the ability to cloud men's minds. He also ages unusually slowly, if at all. His major enemy is Mephisto the Mentalist. Champion I hated him, from one attempt to work together. He's known to take over people's identities. At various times, he's been Reed deBritt, the publisher of the New York Clarion, and the Special Agent in charge of the Washington office of the FBI. Whether he's still alive is unknown at this time, since Mephisto has a major grudge against him.
Attributes | Values |
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| - He was trained by the White Brotherhood, so he has the usual power set of strength, uncannily fast reflexes and the ability to cloud men's minds. He also ages unusually slowly, if at all. His major enemy is Mephisto the Mentalist. Champion I hated him, from one attempt to work together. He's known to take over people's identities. At various times, he's been Reed deBritt, the publisher of the New York Clarion, and the Special Agent in charge of the Washington office of the FBI. Whether he's still alive is unknown at this time, since Mephisto has a major grudge against him.
- Dark Avenger is a mysterious Polish professional wrestler who between 2002 and 2004 wrestled for Extreme Wrestling Federation in Poland.
- Dark Avenger (callsign Devastator 1) is one of the 3 Jaegers in the Devastator Force, a group of Jaegers that defend Hawaii. Class: Mark III Pilots: José and Anitá Sancheź
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current efeds
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| - Gumowy
- Pan Opona
- Polski Batman
- Zamaskowany Msciciel
Last Appearance
| - 2004-02-25(xsd:date)
- EWF Wrestlepalooza LXXX
| - 2002-06-16(xsd:date)
- EWF Wrestlepalooza XXII
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| - He was trained by the White Brotherhood, so he has the usual power set of strength, uncannily fast reflexes and the ability to cloud men's minds. He also ages unusually slowly, if at all. His major enemy is Mephisto the Mentalist. Champion I hated him, from one attempt to work together. He's known to take over people's identities. At various times, he's been Reed deBritt, the publisher of the New York Clarion, and the Special Agent in charge of the Washington office of the FBI. Whether he's still alive is unknown at this time, since Mephisto has a major grudge against him.
- Dark Avenger is a mysterious Polish professional wrestler who between 2002 and 2004 wrestled for Extreme Wrestling Federation in Poland.
- Dark Avenger (callsign Devastator 1) is one of the 3 Jaegers in the Devastator Force, a group of Jaegers that defend Hawaii. Class: Mark III Pilots: José and Anitá Sancheź