| - Usurper King, Zant (僭王ザント Senō Zanto?) is the boss of the Palace of Twilight, the eighth dungeon in The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess. After Link retrieves the Sols from Zant's Hands and powers up the Master Sword, he is given access to a new area of the Palace of Twilight. Here, he encounters Zant, Ganondorf's puppet. The battle with Zant is fought in several stages, all stages besides the last being based on a prior mini-boss or boss battle in the game. During the battle, a faster, warped version of the themes heard during the mini-boss battles are heard.
| - Usurper King, Zant (僭王ザント Senō Zanto?) is the boss of the Palace of Twilight, the eighth dungeon in The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess. After Link retrieves the Sols from Zant's Hands and powers up the Master Sword, he is given access to a new area of the Palace of Twilight. Here, he encounters Zant, Ganondorf's puppet. The battle with Zant is fought in several stages, all stages besides the last being based on a prior mini-boss or boss battle in the game. During the battle, a faster, warped version of the themes heard during the mini-boss battles are heard. The stages appears to be based on their appearance prior to the events of the actual boss battles, for example, after the battle with Morpheel, the boss of the Lakebed Temple, the water is drained from its chamber. In its respective stage of the Zant battle, the arena is filled with water again. It is apparent that the battles all take place in the same chamber and that it is merely transformed somehow, as the Master Sword remains infused with the power of the Sols throughout the battles. The symbol that appears behind Zant when he changes the arena is the same one seen when Zant's Hands move through the walls, indicating that it is some sort of alteration magic.