| - Raedon, born as Urik Ceron, previously identified as Darth Raedon and formally addressed as King Raedon III, was a Sith King of the Kingdom of Tyûk of the Sith Hegemony during the Hundred-Day War, nearly two decades prior to the Extant War. Barbarous and violent, Raedon III was infamous for a warmonger's viciousness and bloodlust, surpassing all others of the Sith Hegemony.
| - Raedon, born as Urik Ceron, previously identified as Darth Raedon and formally addressed as King Raedon III, was a Sith King of the Kingdom of Tyûk of the Sith Hegemony during the Hundred-Day War, nearly two decades prior to the Extant War. Barbarous and violent, Raedon III was infamous for a warmonger's viciousness and bloodlust, surpassing all others of the Sith Hegemony. Holding loyalties to none, even his fellow Sith Kings, Raedon initiated the Hundred-Day War's Siege of Iego in an attempt to claim the planet's supply of newly discovered Vertexium crystal deposits. As revealed near the conclusion of the war, Raedon sought the Vertexium in order to establish the dominance of the Kingdom of Tyûk over the other Sith kingdoms, and reconstituting a second Holy Sith Empire. Raedon III combated Jedi Master Julian Qel-Tythas during the Hundred-Hour War in the Battle of the Boneyard, during which he managed to blind Qel-Tythas during the course of their duel. Ultimately, Raedon was defeated and severed from the Force, and subsequently executed once forced to return to Hegemony space. Eleven standard galactic years later, Raedon's son, Thear Ceron, ascended to the throne of Tyûk as King Oculus VII.