| - Hamland is a country located in western Kelita. It was founded on the 12th of September 2006 by King Lewis I. The name "Hamland" commonly refers to both the region of Hamland, and the wider Commonwealth of Hamland of which it is a member nation. Hamland has historically neighboured Alexandria and Stormark, who it has become close friends with, as well as Ocia, of which it was a staunch rival. Since it's founding in 2006, and claim in 2007, it has grown to be one of the major economic and political powers in the east of Micras.
| - Hamland is a country located in western Kelita. It was founded on the 12th of September 2006 by King Lewis I. The name "Hamland" commonly refers to both the region of Hamland, and the wider Commonwealth of Hamland of which it is a member nation. Hamland has historically neighboured Alexandria and Stormark, who it has become close friends with, as well as Ocia, of which it was a staunch rival. Since it's founding in 2006, and claim in 2007, it has grown to be one of the major economic and political powers in the east of Micras. Hamland is a Constitutional Monarchy, although the role of Monarch is currently filled by the Guardian of the state, known as the Seneschal. The Hammish Parliament, called the Chachis Del Nutra, is the focal point of the Hammish democratic system whereby every active citizen sits as an MP and votes on the laws of the land. The wider Commonwealth of Hamland is constituted by territories which were annexed by, or united with, Hamland. These territories either become member nations or colonies. Hamland has existed in numerous arrangements before the current Commonwealth including the United Commonwealth, the first Monarchy and the Second Monarchy. The country is well known for its well developed economic system which has earned it a reputation as one of the top economies on Micras. Politically, Hamland has strong ties to the members of the Council of Free Nations as well as members of the Area of Freedom and Security. Hamland retains close ties with its fellow Keltian neighbours too.