| - * Nega-Bands: thumb|150px|Noh-Varr obtains the Nega-Bands
After the desertion from the Dark Avengers, Noh-Varr received a pair of Nega-Bands that were created just for him by the Supreme Intelligence. Their power levels thus far are vast with these bands Noh-Varr gains a new costume further enhancing his strength and durability enabling him to physically injure heavily armored opponents and survive most sorts of impact and trauma, teleport, emit concussive blasts able to belt wonder man, erect powerful force fields that can deter ultron, avoid most all forms of detection, pick up trace energy signatures for analysis, project interactive projected holograms and fly at high speeds. These bands are also more technical than previous iterations for example they can transform into advanced mechanical pieces to fabricate useful pieces of equipment and weaponry used for constructing transdimensional apparatuses or creating weapons which can stop a divine powered Maestro. These new bands also seemed to bestow technopathic capabilities to him as well being able to commandeer multiple iron man armors from an alternate reality. Most recently they were destroyed when he turned on the Supreme Intelligence by Ronan.
- * Jet-boots and Mini Jet: While leaving the Cube, Noh-Varr took with him a pair of jet-boots and a mini jet. When he entered the final battle, during the Secret Invasion, he crashed the minijet. He hasn't worn the jet-boots since the Invasion, but he still may have access to them.
* Plex: Out of all his equipment, Noh-Varr's most helpful is his spaceship's Living Database, Plex. Plex could telepathically give Noh-Varr information to help him complete his missions. Plex also had the ability to release an "Omniwave" which would allow him to control the thoughts/emotions of large groups of people. Plex died when S.H.I.E.L.D. took Noh-Varr into custody. While Noh-Varr had control of the Cube, he created a digital version of Plex, but it was destroyed by the Skrull Invasion.
* Pocket Battlefield: Noh-Varr's second most used device is called the Pocket Battlefield. It appeared as a pink square which would expand and take in anyone in the area. The battlefield is able to be one of 9 different settings each having its own physics. Noh-Varr explained to Lyra that while in the Battlefield, he controls all ten of its axis. It shifts whoever enters it into a pocket dimension with its own specialized physics.