| - Kefka isn't the only one who gets a good laugh from these games, you know.
* Final Fantasy I
* Final Fantasy II
* Final Fantasy III
* Final Fantasy IV
* Final Fantasy V
* Final Fantasy VI
* Final Fantasy VII
* Final Fantasy VIII
* Final Fantasy IX
* Final Fantasy X
* Final Fantasy XII
* Final Fantasy XIII
* Final Fantasy XIII-2
* Final Fantasy XIV
* Dissidia Final Fantasy
* The battle with Gilgamesh in the remakes: Final Fantasy II:
* In addition to being the first in the series with plot and slight characterization, FF2 has the first utterly hilarious scene. The rebel princess (that Firion et al. work for) has been acting strangely, and tells Firion to come speak to her. Alone. In her quarters. He agrees, and shoos out the rest of the party. Princess Hilda goes a few steps away...Firion follows. A few more...Firion follows. Then four things happen, pretty much all at once: She climbs on to her bed, the screen tints pink, she says "Come to me, Firion," and the theme from Swan Lake starts up. And it only gets funnier from there. Final Fantasy III:
* The scene where we find out that everyone is an orphan. Final Fantasy IV:
* After exposing the Fake King plot, Paladin Cecil can join in a dance with Baron's Dancing Girl. And in the DS version, it's absolutely hilarious; armor-clad, gallant, Bishounen Cecil copies all of the girl's movements; from the hops to the waves, to the hip thrusts. It tops even the Dancing Girl Surprise in Fabul.
* "You Spoony Bard!" Final Fantasy V:
* Practically every appearance from Gilgamesh. FF5 already has a much more humour-oriented script than most of the others, nobody else in the whole series can provide such quotes as: Final Fantasy XIII:
* The skit with Lightning and Snow's voice actors is pretty much made out of win with this trope.
* The whole scene when Construct 8 joins your party is made of funny.
* The poor potion merchant who you have to protect several times. He freaks out every time a clan wants to buy his products and you see his sprite just spinning in circles. Another moment is when you find out that the people who have hired some monsters to steal Prima Donna merchandise is the Devotee and Devotee Jr.. When you beat them, your clan convinces them to try and be less enthusiastic about Prima Dona. The culprits' response? "WOOOO!!! LESS ENTHUSIASM!!!"