| - Known as a Husbando for the girls and the gays. Self-insert fan art sold separately.
- Waifus are the main basis of waifuism.Waifuism is the act of choosing the anime girl as your "girlfriend".Waifus can be any gender,race,animation style,real or even your own creation.It is common for members to cucc their waifus.In very rare cases they can be un-cuccable.The most common form of waifus are anime girls.
- A waifu is a 2D character you would want to be your wife. Usually this follows up with harems, claims, so roneries, and total obsession. Certain examples are StriderTuna and Miyuki Takara, StoneCold2010 and Amu Hinamori, and HoleymeisterandReisen Udongein Inaba. "I'm not the one talking and kissing posters unlike certain people! Though I do like Miyuki alot, but I know she's a fictional, but nicely done character" - StriderTuna on the page matter. "Shut up Tuna, you would too. Everyone else would if they had a poster, right?!" - StoneCold2010 on Tuna's quote. == Users and their waifus ==
| - Known as a Husbando for the girls and the gays. Self-insert fan art sold separately.
- A waifu is a 2D character you would want to be your wife. Usually this follows up with harems, claims, so roneries, and total obsession. Certain examples are StriderTuna and Miyuki Takara, StoneCold2010 and Amu Hinamori, and HoleymeisterandReisen Udongein Inaba. "I'm not the one talking and kissing posters unlike certain people! Though I do like Miyuki alot, but I know she's a fictional, but nicely done character" - StriderTuna on the page matter. "Shut up Tuna, you would too. Everyone else would if they had a poster, right?!" - StoneCold2010 on Tuna's quote. "No, but I might consider doing so if it was a dakimakura." - blackrider76 on StoneCold's quote. == Users and their waifus ==
* Akito_Kinomoto: Airi Sena (Mashiro-Iro Symphony)
* Bako_Ikporamee: Yin (Darker than Black)
* C_Jester99: Tira (Soul Calibur), Zazie Rainyday (Mahou Sensei Negima)
* CalciferX85: Lt. Commander Yuriko Star (The Irresponsible Captain Tylor)
* CobaltBlitz: Hitagi Senjōgahara (Bakemonogatari) DIVORCED
* Cryptospuridium: Dokuro Mitsukai (Bokusatsu Tenshi Dokuro-chan)
* darkwolf777: Momiji Inubashiri (Tohou)
* dkrdude3: Elizabeth (Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3)
* Eab1990: Coco Yagami (Ever17 ~the out of infinity~)
* Gamefan7: Noriko Takaya (Aim for the Top! Gunbuster)
* ihatethisshow:Kogasa Tatara (touhou)
* Intern3st: Louise Françoise (Zero no Tsukaima)
* IzualUrashima: Ryou Fujibayashi (Clannad), Hanako Ikezawa (Katawa Shoujo)
* kurtfisto: Kyou Fujibayashi (Clannad)
* Kurtsoft : Hisui (Tsukihime)
* Miral_Nocturne: Noumi Kudryavka (Little Busters!)
* Mister_Feeny: November 11 (Darker than Black)
* mogar002/Lord_Mogar: Chrome Dokuro (Hitman Reborn), Mei Sunohara (Clannad)
* MSN_06S_Sinanju: MSN-06S Sinanju (Gundam Unicorn)
* omarssikins: Mami Tomoe (Madoka)
* OneEyedDragon: Hirasawa Yui (K-On!)
* Patio_Furniture: Ume Shiraume (Ben-To)
* Regaro_Ukiera: Yumiuzka Satsuki (Tsukihime)
* SamuraiMike: Kotomi Ichinose (Clannad)
* Sceptilesolarbeam: Ryoko Asakura (Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya)
* scizzoman: Sakuya Aizawa (Hayate no Gotoku!)
* ScrappedAeon/TheMadHatter102: Michelle Cheung (ROD the TV)
* ScrappyDingo: Fate Testarossa (Nanoha), Mio Akiyama (K-on!), Altria "Saber" Pendragon (Fate)
* Seraphil: Yukari Yakumo (Tohou)
* Siesta_410: Siesta 45 (Umineko no Naku Koro ni)
* SSonic06: Mion Sonozaki (Higurashi no Naku Koro ni)
* StoneCold2010: Amu Hinamori (Shugo Chara!)
* StriderTuna: Miyuki Takara (Lucky Star)
* Suigintou: Red Saber (Fate/Extra), Saber (Fate/Zero), Saber Gawain (Fate/Extra), Saber (Fate/Prototype)
* Super_Archer: Iwasawa Masami (Angel Beats!)
* Touphi: Iori Minase (The Idolm@ster)
* Ugly Joe: Ryo Kunieda (Bleach), Inoue (Code Geass), Petunia == {C}{C {C}{C Why waifus are better == {C}{C {C}{C A waifu is much better than a 3D girl can ever be.{C}{C {C}{C They'll never change or pressure you to change.{C They won't cheat on you with your friends or anyone for that matter.{C}{C {C}{C There is no possibility of catching STDs.{C}{C {C}{C There is no drama or arguments.{C}{C {C}{C They'll never get pregnant or fat.{C They won't play mind games with you.{C}{C {C}{C They don't demand expensive gifts over and over.{C You don't have to put up with annoying friends or impress the parents.{C}{C {C}{C They don't have times of the month.{C They won't get bored of you or think of you as being annoying.{C}{C {C}{C They don’t care what type of personality you have if any at all.{C}{C {C}{C And they don't get mad at you for random reasons that you know nothing about. == Why waifus are worse == They are your hand.
- Waifus are the main basis of waifuism.Waifuism is the act of choosing the anime girl as your "girlfriend".Waifus can be any gender,race,animation style,real or even your own creation.It is common for members to cucc their waifus.In very rare cases they can be un-cuccable.The most common form of waifus are anime girls.