| - The origins of the Colonial Alliance though go back to the Federation-Cardassian border treaty which left dozens of Federation colony worlds under oppressive Cardassian rule, and led to the formation of the Maquis resistance group. In the aftermath of the Federation Civil War, the DMZ colonies were left to fend for themselves against Klingon aggression. During that period, Michael Eddington rose to power as the governor of Volon III. In the late 2370s, he began reaching out to the other colonies, to get them to band together in an effort to speak to the Federation Council with one voice. With the help of the starships Pendragon and Avalon, Eddington and the other Maquis leaders were able to stabilize the region, and the Council offered to take the colonies back into the Federation. Instead, with the support of Bajor and the new democratic government on Cardassia Prime, Eddington successfully lobbied for the Council to grant the colonies independence and recognize them as a sovereign state. During that period, a research team discovered what was then believed to be an outpost of the ancient Tkon Empire within the Badlands, which fell under the new alliance's jurisdiction. News of the discovery soon reached the Romulan Tal Shiar, who had been looking for the outpost's location for decades. The Romulans launched an invasion, supported by the Tzenkethi and Talarians. With Starfleet and Cardassian aid, the Maquis were able to repel the invaders and solidify their hold on the region. The Colonial Alliance was officially established on 21 December 2385. The colonies elected representatives to serve in the Colonial Parliament, and elected Michael Eddington as its Chairman.