| - Name: Dirty Little Secret Run Time: 3:59 Year: 1997
- This was his revenge. He would not make his parent's mistakes. He would be more careful. He walked in the shadows with her. But most importantly, he walked in his mother's shadow.
- Dirty Little Secret is a song by the power pop band All-American Rejects which appears on their 2005 album Move Along. It appears in Guitar Hero On Tour: Decades for the Nintendo DS as the first song in the Modern venue, and later in Band Hero.
- Dirty Little Secret is a song by The All-American Rejects which is about all those little secrets you keep inside. When you can't keep them inside anymore it is like a bottle ready to explode: all those little secrets that you think you'll never tell anyone and if you did they'll have to promise never to say. You think that is better if you keep them inside than to tell because you are afraid of what will happen just because you don't want to be embarrassed. (thanks, Maria - miami, FL)
- Dirty Little Secret is the first chapter of the second act of Gears of War 2. Objective: Explore the Warehouse In this mission, Marcus and Dom need to explore an abandoned COG outpost in search of intel on the Locust stronghold and the Locust Queen. When you enter the warehouse, you will notice that if you go in the rooms along the hallway leading to the large door at the end, you will notice a Wretch or two run by. When you reach the large door, a man named Niles appears on the monitors, saying you need clearance which is when Marcus orders Baird to make an extra strength blast charge while Dom and him search for a way to turn on the power. While doing this, you can pick up the Scorcher Flamethrower along with the three pistols available in the game. Once you reactivate the power and figh