| - Matron was a Vulcan honorary title. T'Plana-Hath, for example was known as the matron of Vulcan Philosophy. (Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home)
- A Matron (also known as a nurse), is a person that either leads a hospital, where they monitor health and heal the wounded, or an orphanage, where they take care of children.
- Matron is a title awarded to female charcters for completing the achievement, related to the seasonal event Children's Week. Male characters who complete this achievement will be awarded the title Patron.
- From [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Matron]], from [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Matron]] matrone, [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Matron]] matrona (“‘married woman’”), from mater (“‘mother’”)
- Matron was the nickname given to the leader of the Moshi family, who had been always a woman.
- Matrons were the female leaders of a Gamorrean clan. The most powerful of the females was the Clan Matron and was married to the clan Warlord. The matrons formed the Council of Matrons that governed each clan.
- The Matron is a robot that works with Gadgetron that was abandoned on Bogon. Ratchet came there while in search for the Desert Riders at the Vukovar Canyon, Barlow.
- Matron was the leader of the Grievous Bodily Love and a former staff member of the Jilane Birthing Creche. When she was working at the Birthing Creche, she was responsible for declaring women barren and sending them into the Coalition of Ordered Governments Army. Following the Jilane Massacre, Matron led the surviving women and children for four months until Delta-One arrived to search for survivors. Matron died detonating a bomb in the city to destroy Locust forces that attempted to stop the evacuation.
- Matron fue la lider del GBL y una ex miembro de las Guarderias de Maternidad. Cuando ella estubo trabajando en las guarderias, fue responsable de declarar a las mujeres esteriles y mandarlas a ser convertidas en Gears. Una de las mujeres que ella envio fue Alex Brand, cuando jilane fue atacada por los locust, Matron junto con varias trabajadoras, pacientes y niños sobrevivieron al ataque, lograron encontrar diferentes armamentos que la COG dejo abandonados, al no tener manera de comunicar que habian sobrevivido Matron decidio permanecer en el lugar e intentar sobrevivir, elaboro granjas para proporcionar alimento, asi como un bunker en el cual esconderse.