| - Boy: Stop Miltank! Jon: Help them out. Boy: Thank you. Jon: No problem. I’m Jon and this is my partner Typhlosion. Mary: I’m Mary. Drake: And I’m Drake, nice to meet you. Harry: I’m Harry. Mary: Are all these Miltank yours? Harry: Yes. Well they are my families. This is only a small portion. Back to the ranch you guys. Jon: You have a ranch too. Harry: It’s more of a farm really. Come, I’ll show you. Drake: That’s a lot of Miltank. Jon: And who are they? Rotom-Dex: Mudbray, the Donkey Pokemon. Mudbray is a pure ground type. The mud stuck to Mudbray’s hooves enhances its grip and its powerful running gait. Jon: Cool. Juliet: Hey, I’m Juliet. Harry: Mum, this is Jon, Drake and Mary. Mary: You have a lot of Miltank and Mudbray here. Juliet: Yeah, they all help around the ranch and making it a lot better. Jon: That’s nice. Harry: Jon, I remember you mentioning you have a ranch. Jon: I do in Hoenn. We have a place where we look after Pokemon. My Pokemon, other trainers Pokemon, and wild Pokemon. Harry: Cool. Mary: How many Pokemon do you have on your ranch Jon? Jon: Not as many as these. Drake: I bet you have a lot of Pokemon. Jon: I have quite a few. Harry: Here we go again. Miltank: Mil Mil. Heracross: Cross. Miltank: Tank! Mary: What’s happening. Jon: Seems like Miltank doesn’t want Heracross here. Juliet: She’s the only Miltank to do so. Drake: That’s horrible. Jon: I’ve seen it before, but the Miltank and the Heracross were helping. Miltank: Miltank Tank Mil! Heracross: Hera. Jon: Heracross accepts. Juliet: What is happening? Jon: Miltank is saying that Heracross must win to stay. Harry: That is wrong Miltank. Miltank: Tank Miltank. Jon: Seems it must be that way. Jon: You’re giving up? Heracross: Cross! Jon: You can. Wait here a few minutes. Do you have a phone system? Harry: Yeah, I’ll show you. Heracross: Hera? Jon: This will help. Mary: You have a Heracross? Jon: Yeah. This Heracross and the Miltank it was living with were best friends. Heracross: Hera Heracross Cross. Jon’s Heracross: Heracross Cross Cro. Jon: Show us your moves? Heracross: Cross. Jon: A good diversity of moves. Heracross, help out. Drake: So, this is where they battle it out. Jon: Yep. Miltank: Tank. Heracross: Cross. Jon’s Heracross: Hera! Mary: Oh dear. Jon: This is not going well. Jon’s Heracross: Heracross cross, Hera Heracross. Miltank: Tank! Mary: Will it land? Harry: Not sure. Harry: Hmm. Mary: Why are they just looking at each other? Jon: They could just be checking each other. Miltank: Tank, Miltank. Jon: Really? All this for that? Drake: What? Jon: Miltank just wanted to see if Heracross could battle. Mary: Okay, why? Miltank: Tank, Miltank, Mil Mil Miltank. Mary: What? Jon: Heracross is now second in command and was always going to be. They didn’t even need to battle. Harry: Well Miltank has been very busy. Heracross: Cross! Jon: Well Heracross accepts. Jon: Heracross is back on the ranch. Mary: Why didn’t you have Heracross stay with you? Drake: Yeah, it would have been amazing. Jon: Heracross and I have travelled all around Johto together, and all my Pokemon are very strong and are training at the ranch. Juliet: Why not stay the night and then head off again tomorrow. Jon: If that is okay. Rotom-Dex: Thank you. Narrator: After arriving on Paniola Ranch, our heroes helped out a Heracross wanting to stay on the ranch. Now our heroes are resting at the ranch with Juliet and Harry, ready for more adventures tomorrow!