| - On June 18, Tom Cresthawk claimed the lands of Kokojillo in the name of the Marines. On June 19, James Dreadhawk, and some other fool, Jeffrey Shorewallace, entered a Marine base. After refusing to leave, Tom Cresthawk, Capt. Skull X, and Chris Swordbones, challanged them to a PvP. They denied and said SvS. The Marines accepted, and on the Black Demon were the marines, against the Yellow Wolf and other ships they brought with them to assist. The Black Demon won against them despite being outnumbered, and Jeffrey boarded it to scream about his anger. Chris Swordbones immediately flung him off the ship to the sharks, laughing.
| - On June 18, Tom Cresthawk claimed the lands of Kokojillo in the name of the Marines. On June 19, James Dreadhawk, and some other fool, Jeffrey Shorewallace, entered a Marine base. After refusing to leave, Tom Cresthawk, Capt. Skull X, and Chris Swordbones, challanged them to a PvP. They denied and said SvS. The Marines accepted, and on the Black Demon were the marines, against the Yellow Wolf and other ships they brought with them to assist. The Black Demon won against them despite being outnumbered, and Jeffrey boarded it to scream about his anger. Chris Swordbones immediately flung him off the ship to the sharks, laughing. More info coming soon (battle is still taking place) P.S the mariens are winning, us vs. 2 of their ships, we haven't sunk yet Latest news: WE WON!!!!! After the noobs got mad because we had Fury, and their gunners only had firebrand, they accused us of cheeting, although they had 2 ships, which we agreed on only having one ship for each team. Therefore they ported after being slaughtered Afterwards, we challenged him to a land PVP, but he turned it down, most likely scared. His excuse: "I don't pvp noobs." He then threatened to "tell on us" and "report us" to Dandandragon and Carlos Clemente. Funny thing is, we told him we work for Carlos, and are friends with Dandan.