Loach heal 300 life points when eaten and can only be received at random when trading with gourmets in the Dorgesh-Kaan marketplace.
Loach heal 3 hitpoints when eaten and can only be received at random when trading with gourmets in the Dorgesh-Kaan marketplace.
Loach is a Dorgeshuun cuisine that is made by the cave goblins. It consists of steamed, locally-caught goblin fish, presumably, a type of loach. Goblin fish can be seen hopping out of the water in the nearby water features in Dorgesh-Kaan. Loach can only be obtained randomly from the gourmets in Dorgesh-Kaan while selling food to them. Similar to other Dorgeshuun cuisine that can be received from the gourmets, it heals 250 life points when consumed.
The loach is a fish found in the river at all times of the day during the months of March through to May, making it the only fish restricted to the season of Spring. It is much harder to find during May.