| - plus other recommendations and goodies! "It's December. All the major albums have already been released or leaked. It's time to rank everything and shove your opinion down everyone's collective throat. Yay! Lists! So, yeah. 2008 has been pretty good. Not great, but not quite the black hole of goodness that most people make it out to be. On first look there is no major album to catch everyone's attention, either critics or fans. Well, outside of anything Pitchfork gives a 9+ to. Or, uh, whatever those major albums people are buying. In fact, of my top 5 I had only enjoyed a previously released album by one band. The others I had never heard of or though no great things of. This isn't 2007, there aren't infectious albums such as In Rainbows, Random Spirit Lover, or Strawberry Jam. What there is plenty of, however, is consistency. Many of these albums are just that, albums. They are one, or many, thoughts and themes and sounds brought together and are meant to be listened to in entirety. These albums can be enjoyed as much on the first listen as on the 50th. 4 of my top 5 were released in the first half of the year, 3 were released in the first quarter, 1 was leaked in 2007. I've grown to love these albums and there is not much separating anything. #6 is roughly as strong as, say, #21. And as such my rankings will probably change right up to the minute I post. But these 25 albums won't change. Anything else I choose to recognize will be under the heading 'Recommendations,' which I'll post throughout. so let's do this" -icon