The Kingdom of Ostia, also known as Ostia, was a nation in West Astria. Initially a vast wasteland of warring druidic tribes, it was invaded and colonised by the Vesryne Farwynd dynasty in 1068 H.E. The territory grew under the watch of its overlord, and eventually developed its own derivative of the Vesryne culture with many practical differences. These differences would later develop into agitation between the territory and its overlord, culminating in the Ostian War of Independence.
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| - The Kingdom of Ostia, also known as Ostia, was a nation in West Astria. Initially a vast wasteland of warring druidic tribes, it was invaded and colonised by the Vesryne Farwynd dynasty in 1068 H.E. The territory grew under the watch of its overlord, and eventually developed its own derivative of the Vesryne culture with many practical differences. These differences would later develop into agitation between the territory and its overlord, culminating in the Ostian War of Independence.
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Official language
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| - Absolute hereditary monarchy
| - Platinum Coins
Gold Coins
Silver Coins
Copper Pieces
| - Ostian Army
Territorial Militias
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Regional Languages
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Largest City
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| - The Winterbloom of the North
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| - The Kingdom of Ostia, also known as Ostia, was a nation in West Astria. Initially a vast wasteland of warring druidic tribes, it was invaded and colonised by the Vesryne Farwynd dynasty in 1068 H.E. The territory grew under the watch of its overlord, and eventually developed its own derivative of the Vesryne culture with many practical differences. These differences would later develop into agitation between the territory and its overlord, culminating in the Ostian War of Independence. Ostian culture would later grow to become somewhat antithetical to that of their enemy, valuing diligent work and sober manner over grace and beauty, even in the nobility. As the Kingdom of Ostia, it would go on to foster good relations with its Astrian neighbours, particularly Saint-Astan, who guaranteed to aid the nation if Vesryn ever returned. This promise would become void after the annexation of Western Astan by Vesryn in 1427 B.E. Sadly for Ostia, its freedom was short lived, and the nation found itself again annexed by Vesryn just over a century after its independence. The death of the Kingdom of Ostia marked the beginning of an era of Vesryne dominance, and provided a pretence for King Lucièn I to proclaim a new Empire.
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