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- The Venator-Class Star Destroyer was released in 2006 with the set Starship Battles. Venator is latin for Hunter.
- The Venator-class Star Destroyer is one of the predecessors to the Imperial-class Star Destroyer. It was used during the time of the old Republic and the beginning of the Empire. Not only was it used for space battles, but the Venator could land and deploy troops, and due to its large hanger system it could carry more starfighters then other ships of its size.
- [Source] The Venator-class Star Destroyer, also known as a Republic attack cruiser or Jedi Cruiser, was a dagger-shaped capital ship used by the Galactic Republic for ship-to-ship combat, capital ship escort, and fighter carrying against the Confederacy of Independent Systems during the Clone Wars. Having eclipsed the Republic's diplomatic frigate, the attack cruiser faced the Separatist dreadnoughts in some of the most well-known battles of the Clone Wars, including those of Sullust, Christophsis and Coruscant.
- The Venator-class Star Destroyer, also known as the Republic attack cruiser, was one of the capital ships used by the Galactic Republic during the Clone Wars. The Venator-class was designed and constructed by Kuat Drive Yards. These warships were used as escorts for Republic battleships, and were fast enough to pursue enemy ships, while also being large enough to lead independent operations, such as the Battle of Kashyyyk and the Battle of Utapau.
- "They're tough, but not that tough". - Grand Admiral Redriss Rustariss on Venators The Venator-class Star Destroyer or Venator was a capital ship and a star destroyer under the service of the Galactic Republic. They were the capital ships of the Galactic Republic. Some years later, the plans came into the possession of the Exiled Jedi Order, and after some modifications, the Order began to produce them.
- The Venator-class Star Destroyer, also known as the Venator-class Destroyer, Republic attack cruiser, Jedi Cruiser, Imperial attack cruiser, Autobot Attack Cruiser, Autobot Cruiser was one of the capital ships used extensively by the Galactic Republic and the Jedi during the later parts of the Clone Wars, as well as by the Galactic Empire. It was designed and constructed by Kuat Drive Yards.
- Venator-class Star Destroyer (niszczyciel gwiezdny typu Venator), to duży okręt wojenny (capital ship), który był intensywnie używany przez flotę Republiki podczas wojen klonów. Niszczyciele gwiezdne Venator zostały zaprojektowane i były budowane w Kuat Drive Yards oraz Allanteen Six shipyards. Głównym przeznaczeniem okrętu była walka artyleryjska z innymi dużymi okrętami, jednak sprawdził się także jako baza myśliwców i bombowców oraz eskortowiec. Okręt był wyposażony w sporą liczbę broni artyleryjskiej i mógł przewozić aż 420 małych statków z czego część stanowiły 3 dywizjony ciężkich myśliwców typu ARC-170 (36 sztuk). Statek miał też na stanie 20 kanonierek typu LAAT do przewozu żołnierzy.