| - Krillin: 18 is gone!! NO!!! NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! World Tournament Announcer: ANOTHER CHALLENGE IS TO... PICK SOME STUF! GO! Krillin looked sad, but 18 never came back. Zangya: STOP @@@@GSHSIJ##@#$&* (burps) you F**XKIN GUY FULL WITTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTHHHHHH POWER! AND YOU SUCK! Kid Gohan: Calm down, Zangya! Zangya: WHAT EVVVVVVVVVVVER! DON"T TALK TO ME BOJACK! I F**KING WISH I COULD BBBEAT YOU!!!!!! SH*T!!!! Bojack But,but... (Zangya walks away) Zangya: HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!! )(face turns red and rough) World Tournament Announcer: Goku, Kid Gohan and Videl are the Winners!! Zangya: S**T! F*CK! I H*TE YOU!!! YOU ARE FIRED!!!!!!!!!!!(face turns red and rough) World Tournament Announcer: Only a few brushed in here. World Tournament Announcer: When I call your name, come get one, if you don't receive a brush, you are out. Ox King: Videl! Goku! Kid Gohan! Chichi! He gave one to everybody except GT Vegeta, Zangya and Krillin. Ox King: There are only a few more. I will call two more to get a brush. The one who does not get a brush... World Tournament Announcer: Will walk to the forest of losers... but there is a sea, so you will need to ride on a boat to the forest of losers! Nobody ever rode to the forest of losers in a boat. I can't believe it! Ox King: Krillin! World Tournament Announcer and Ox King: Ladies and Gentleman, THIS IS THE FINAL Brush. Ox King: GT Vegeta! Zangya: SHIIIIIITTTTTT!!! HAD ENOUGH!GHFFGY!!! Zangya walks away to the boat. Ox King: Never heard of that! Chi Chi: Goku! Give me and Gohan some sunblock! Goku: OK! Kid Gohan: Thanks, dad! Goku: You're welcome, Gohan! The End.