| - Everybody's looking up And asking "What's that Up in the sky? Is that a UFO? Or just a flash of light?" (c'mon) Jeanette: It's us, the supernovas (ahh) Call us superstars (call us superstars) Shootin' through the night (ahh) So bright now you know who we are (we are) I said, it's us, the supernovas (ahh) Call us superstars (call us superstars) Shootin' through the night (ahh) So bright now The Chipettes: You know who we are 'cause Jeanette & Eleanor: We are, we are, the super (we are) We are the stars (we are the stars) We are, we are, the super (ooh) The superstars (the superstars)
| - Everybody's looking up And asking "What's that Up in the sky? Is that a UFO? Or just a flash of light?" (c'mon) Jeanette: It's us, the supernovas (ahh) Call us superstars (call us superstars) Shootin' through the night (ahh) So bright now you know who we are (we are) I said, it's us, the supernovas (ahh) Call us superstars (call us superstars) Shootin' through the night (ahh) So bright now The Chipettes: You know who we are 'cause Jeanette & Eleanor: We are, we are, the super (we are) We are the stars (we are the stars) We are, we are, the super (ooh) The superstars (the superstars) We are, we are the super (we are the super) We are the stars (we are the stars) The superstars (we are the stars) The superstars The Chipettes: And we are, up in the sky, ooh Noble in the night, ooh So watch us shine, ooh Oh, oh, we are Brittany: Superstars