| - John Henry is a character in DEXTER. He was a petty burglar who targeted the elderly living in retirement homes until he served six years for assault and is now retired.
- John Henry is an American folk hero famous for winning a race against a steam powered hammer according to some along the Chesapeake and Ohio Railway in Talcott, West Virginia. However, John wins only to die with his hammer in his hand. Legends have said he was the strongest man alive and that he was a slave born in Missouri in the 1840s.
- John Henry is a short based on the tall tale of the same name that was released in 2000.
- Previous Episode | Next Episode In this ALF Tales episode, ALF and his friends retell the story of John Henry. John Henry is an American folk hero who is known for out-performing a steam powered hammer in a legendary race.
- Kategorie:Stub <default>John Henry</default> BildWiki.png Titel Spitz-/Deckname Geburtstag Terminatorserie Beruf Familie Beziehung Erster Auftritt Letzter Auftritt Schauspieler Synchronsprecher (DE) John Henry ist eine KI (Seed-AI), welche von ZeiraCorp mit der Prämisse erschaffen wurde Skynet zu verhindern oder zu bekämpfen. Er soll als Beschützer der Menschheit fungieren, indem man noch vor Skynets Erschaffung einen besseren Gegenspieler einsetzt. Um dies zu erreichen, wurde ihm während seiner Entwicklung menschliche Verhaltensweisen nahegebracht. Dies wurde von FBI-Agent James Ellison unter der Aufsicht von Terminatrix Catherine Weaver durchgeführt, sie wurde u.a. für diesen Auftrag aus der Zukunft entsendet.
- John Henry is an artificial intelligence, built with the second Turk as its basis by the Zeira Corporation. It is the core of the Project Babylon and was in direct control of the system in Zeira Corporation's Headquarters. It is named by Dr. Boyd Sherman as he assisted with the development of the artificial intelligence after a 19th Century folk hero, who defeated a machine but was unable to prevent progress. Later, it utilized Cromartie's endoskeleton and processors to act as its voice and physical body.
- John Henry, a freed slave, happens across a railroad building project. An entire crew of freed slaves has been promised land if they can finish by deadline, but they're exhausted and unable to continue. John, though, has the strength of ten men, and revitalizes all of them. But despair sets in again when the railroad sends a steam hammer to replace the crew and burns the contract. John proposes a challenge: man against machine. After a heroic effort, including a tunnel through solid rock by swinging two hammers at once, John wins, but he also collapses in his wife Polly's arms. She's recounting this whole story to their young son, to explain why his father was so great.
- John Henry was a steel-driving man in the 19th century, noted for being one of the best in the country (if not the world). He was highly respected by his fellow railmen. Not to mention the Autobots.
- John Henry is a Fable. He is one of the few known American Fables. He was imprisoned in Golden Boughs Retirement Community.
- John Henry, un esclavo liberado, pasa a través de un proyecto de construcción de ferrocarriles. Un equipo con la totalidad de los esclavos liberados se le ha prometido la tierra si pueden terminar antes del plazo, pero están agotados y no pueden continuar. John, sin embargo, tiene la fuerza de diez hombres, y revitaliza todos ellos. Pero la desesperación aparece de nuevo cuando el ferrocarril envía un martillo de vapor para reemplazar a la tripulación y cancelar el contrato. John propone un reto: el hombre contra la máquina. Después de un esfuerzo heroico, incluyendo un túnel a través de roca sólida balanceando dos martillos a la vez, John gana, pero también se derrumba en los brazos de su esposa de Polly y fallece por el agotamiento. al final del corto ella está contando toda esta histori