Quest for the Planet of the Apes was a unique movie-oriented original story issued between the adaptations of the fourth and fifth movies which appeared in Marvel Comics Planet of the Apes Magazine. The story, written by Doug Moench with artwork by Rico Rival and Alfredo Alcala, was intended to bridge the gap between Conquest of the Planet of the Apes and Battle for the Planet of the Apes and help continuity. As Marvel's adaptations were based on shooting scripts rather than the actual movie, their version of Battle featured Governor Breck as the leading villain, rather than Kolp. Thus, Quest also has Breck as one of its main characters. The story itself treads much the same ground as Battle, while also depicting the early difficulties of a new society and explaining how Mandemus came to b
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| - Quest for the Planet of the Apes was a unique movie-oriented original story issued between the adaptations of the fourth and fifth movies which appeared in Marvel Comics Planet of the Apes Magazine. The story, written by Doug Moench with artwork by Rico Rival and Alfredo Alcala, was intended to bridge the gap between Conquest of the Planet of the Apes and Battle for the Planet of the Apes and help continuity. As Marvel's adaptations were based on shooting scripts rather than the actual movie, their version of Battle featured Governor Breck as the leading villain, rather than Kolp. Thus, Quest also has Breck as one of its main characters. The story itself treads much the same ground as Battle, while also depicting the early difficulties of a new society and explaining how Mandemus came to b
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| - Quest for the Planet of the Apes was a unique movie-oriented original story issued between the adaptations of the fourth and fifth movies which appeared in Marvel Comics Planet of the Apes Magazine. The story, written by Doug Moench with artwork by Rico Rival and Alfredo Alcala, was intended to bridge the gap between Conquest of the Planet of the Apes and Battle for the Planet of the Apes and help continuity. As Marvel's adaptations were based on shooting scripts rather than the actual movie, their version of Battle featured Governor Breck as the leading villain, rather than Kolp. Thus, Quest also has Breck as one of its main characters. The story itself treads much the same ground as Battle, while also depicting the early difficulties of a new society and explaining how Mandemus came to be the guardian of a cache of weapons and how the future leaders of the mutant society had survived the nuclear holocaust.