| - Mr. Game & Watch (Mr.ゲーム&ウォッチ, Misutā Gēmu ando Uocchi), in Japan auch als Game & Watch (ゲーム&ウォッチ Gēmu ando Wocchi) bekannt, ist ein freischaltbarer Charakter aus dem Super Smash Bros.-Universum. Er ist ein Charakter, welcher in den Spielen der Nintendo-Konsole Game & Watch auftratt. In diesen Spielen musste er Aufgaben erfüllen, wie z. B. Fallschirmspringer mit einem Boot retten, damit diese nicht von Haien gefressen werden.
- Mr. Game & Watch (Mr.ゲーム&ウォッチ, Misutā Gēmu ando Wotchi) is the modern-day mascot of Nintendo's first handheld consoles: the Game & Watch series. He has distinctive frame-by-frame animation and his attacks are based on past games. He appears in Super Smash Flash as an unlockable character and in Super Smash Flash 2 as a starter character.
- G&W: *beep*
- Mr. Game & Watch (Misutā Gēmu ando Wocchi) is the mascot of the Game & Watch series, following his appearance in the 2001 video game Super Smash Bros. Melee, although the character was first seen in the Game & Watch game Judge. Mr. Game & Watch does not speak in the games that he is featured in, instead making beeping noises similar to those heard when playing Game & Watch games. In Super Smash Bros. Brawl, the main storyline suggests that Mr. Game and Watch is made of a primordial substance that can take on any number of forms. Mr. Game and Watch was harvested for this reason to create the Subspace Army. It's also stated on the Smash Dojo that Mr. Game and Watch allowed this to happen because he has no concept of good and evil.
- Mr. Game & Watch, often abbreviated as Mr. G&W and known as Game & Watch (or sometimes Hideo) in Japan, is the mascot of the Game & Watch series along with being Nintendo's oldest character. In the Game & Watch series he was unnamed as he did not get his name until 2001, when Super Smash Bros. Melee was released.
- Mr. Game & Watch (Mr.ゲーム&ウォッチ Misutā Gēmu ando Wotchi) ist eine zusammengesetzte Darstellung verschiedener generischer Charaktere, die in Nintendos Game & Watch-Produkten und Videospielserien erschien, die 1980 von Gunpei Yokoi erstellt wurden.
- Game & Watch (Mr.ゲーム&ウォッチ Misutā Gēmu ando Wotchi?), is a composite representation of various generic characters featured in Nintendo's Game & Watch products and video game series created in 1980 by Gunpei Yokoi.
- Mr. Game & Watch is a retro character, who debuted during the Game & Watch era. He is just 2D Black silhouette, and he moves in Frame-by-Frame movement. He also only makes beeping noises, as that was the only sounds the Game & Watch could support. Mr. Game & Watch has a rebellious son named Jr. Rock & Watch, who cares for his Rock Music more than he cares for his dad. Mr. Game & Watch has appeared in a more updated form in many recent games.
- Mr. Game & Watch is an inhabitant of a completely flat world called Flat Zone. He does various chores there, varying from cooking to fighting a giant octopus and even saving a princess. However, the 2D composition of his body made him a prime target for Tabuu's evil plan. He was captured by Tabuu and convinced to produce the Subspace Army for him. He also was the one controlling the Halberd. He was later stopped by Peach and co. and brought back on their side by giving him an umbrella.
- Mr. Game & Watch is the head mascot of the Game & Watch Gallery Series. Fancy Pants Man is in the series.
- Mr. Game & Watch ist der Held einer Menge gleichnamiger Taschenspiele (siehe Game & Watch), die nicht nur die ersten Konsolen Nintendos waren, sondern auch die Vorfahren des Ur-GameBoys, denn sie waren schon tragbar, wenn auch simpel gestrickt. So musste man beispielsweise Fallschirmspringer von einem Boot retten (Parachute), damit diese nicht den Haien zum Opfer fielen. Mr. Game & Watch hatte auch einen Auftritt in Super Smash Bros. Melee, Super Smash Bros. Brawl und Super Smash Bros. for Wii U/Nintendo 3DS.
- Mr. Game & Watch (Mr.ゲーム&ウォッチ, Misutā Gēmu ando Uocchi) is a character in Super Smash Bros. Brawl. Mr. Game & Watch was indirectly revealed from a leaked copy of the game. One of the leaked screenshots shows his Final Smash, in which Mr. Game & Watch transforms into an octopus. He was officially confirmed on the Smash Bros. DOJO!! website on March 10, 2008 one day after the game came out in the USA. In order to unlock Mr. Game & Watch, the player must complete one of the following:
- Mr. Game & Watch (Mr.ゲーム&ウォッチ, Misutā Gēmu ando Wotchi) is a Nintendo video game character. He is the signature character of the handheld Game and Watch games. He's been featured in a large number of titles, and has appeared as a playable character in Super Smash Bros. Melee and Super Smash Bros. Brawl. Mr. Game & Watch first appeared in the Game & Watch video game Ball, a title in which the player must simultaneously juggle three balls at once. The character has also starred in the Game & Watch Gallery video game series where he appeared in the "classic" versions of the games (while Mario characters replaced him in the remade versions).