| - Georges Braque (13 May 1882 – 31 August 1963) was a major 20th century French painter and sculptor who, along with Pablo Picasso, developed the art movement known as Cubism.
- Georges Braque (; 13 May 1882 – 31 August 1963) was a major 20th-century French painter and sculptor who, along with Pablo Picasso, developed the art style known as Cubism.
- Georges Braque was a French-born painter and sculptor and the co-founder of the Cubist school of art with Pablo Picasso. Before his involvement with Cubism around 1908, his style was most influenced by Fauvist school.
- Georges Braque : « Je fuis mon semblable, dans tout semblable il y a un sosie. » Georges Braque grandit au sein d’une famille d’artisans. Il passe sa jeunesse au Havre et étudie à l'École des Beaux-Arts de 1897 à 1899 dirigé par Charles Lhuillier. Il y fait la connaissance d'Othon Friesz. Sa première formation comme peintre décorateur, il la doit à son père, Charles Braque, entrepreneur-peintre en bâtiment.