| - Mitch is a treacherous, leering, creepy, evil, emotionally-torturing-to-kids-like Dale, power-hungry, bloodthristy, murderous freak. And as Jonah says on ep 1.07 Long Live the Mayor , "Well, Mitchell Cafferty is an idiot." Status: Deceased, murdered by Dale Turner. Background: - He has always been a problem for Jericho and a thorn in Jake's side.- Was involved in a robbery-gone-wrong about 5 years ago. He served time in jail for it. What we don't know: - What exactly his full history is with Jake.- The reason Jake beat him up before.
| - Mitch is a treacherous, leering, creepy, evil, emotionally-torturing-to-kids-like Dale, power-hungry, bloodthristy, murderous freak. And as Jonah says on ep 1.07 Long Live the Mayor , "Well, Mitchell Cafferty is an idiot." Status: Deceased, murdered by Dale Turner. Background: - He has always been a problem for Jericho and a thorn in Jake's side.- Was involved in a robbery-gone-wrong about 5 years ago. He served time in jail for it. What we know: - He presumably killed Gracie Leigh but told the town that Jonah Prowse did it. Only after he threatened Dale with the same fate did the truth come out.- Helped with the theft of horses from the Green's ranch.- Back stabbed Jonah and tried to take over the "gang" of characters on the outside of town. Sustained a gunshot wound from a .357 magnum at close range courtesy of young Dale. Almost certainly fatal.- Chris Sullivan was his best friend until the night Chris died in a robbery gone bad. He blames Jake. What we don't know: - What exactly his full history is with Jake.- The reason Jake beat him up before. Relationships and connections to other characters: - Chris Sullivan, deceased, was his best friend.- Is now Jonah's enemy.- Is enemies with Jake Defining moments: - While in the jail cell, he said to Jake, 'Are you ready for this? You know he'll come for me, and he'll come looking for you.'