| - Kyle Bream was a 9 year old boy who was kidnapped from a department store in 1998. He was kidnapped by his uncle and later sold to Rudy Tanner, a pedophile, who brain-washed Kyle to believe his parents didn't want him anymore and had left him. He changed Kyle's name to Parker and dyed his hair blonde to match Tanner's son Archie. To better groom him, Rudy treated him like his son and tried spoiled him. Due to Rudy's traits, he completely shunned his own son Archie. It's revealed that Rudy had molested Kyle and forced him into child pornography for his sites and that Archie was (until he outgrew his father's preferences) a victim. But because both boys were being brainwashed, neither one could really see that they were being sexually abused by Rudy. Kyle was clearly uncomfortable with Rudy and still wanted to go home. Although he had no idea of what Rudy was, he did notice one thing about him, he apparently "didn't like" Archie. Kyle's uncle once came and tried to get Kyle back but Rudy gave him more drug money. Apparently, after Kyle's uncle's visit, Rudy worried about the authorities finding Kyle and had plans to leave with Kyle. Archie overheard a lot of this and saw that this as an opportunity to get Kyle home. Mostly to get his father's affections, Archie told Kyle that his parents weren't gone, then shows Kyle a newspaper clipping of his abduction as proof to Kyle. Archie then lead Kyle to the harbor and convinced him to swim across it to his home. Kyle, afraid to, asks Archie to go with him. Archie says he couldn't cause this was his home. Kyle repulsed it, saying that Archie's dad doesn't even like him. Eventually, Archie convinces Kyle that he could make it home. Unfortunately, Kyle couldn't and drowns in the harbor. After Kyle's death, Sandra Riley, (Archie's mother) went to the Breams and told them about seeing Kyle and informed them about the website where her husband, Rudy, had exploited Kyle. His dad bought a password and saw his son. Disgusted and full of rage, he went to Tanner's home and confronted him in his backyard. After Rudy made lewd comments about Kyle, Ken Bream shoots and kills him.