| - The IEEE World War was an open conflict between the two Robot organizations, the IEEE, with headquarters situated in North Dakota lead by Thomas Edison, Viceroy John Travolta and the AAAAA, a mysterious organization of unknown origin that hired robot Wombats to perform combats. The war was declared by both sides simultaneously at 9th of July 1907 and was effectively terminated by the complete annihilation of the IEEE by Cwombat forces during their raid on Winnipeg, Canada at 1st of April 1910. Victor Qi, the former head of the IEEE, was spared to become the AAAAA's chief weapons engineer.
| - The IEEE World War was an open conflict between the two Robot organizations, the IEEE, with headquarters situated in North Dakota lead by Thomas Edison, Viceroy John Travolta and the AAAAA, a mysterious organization of unknown origin that hired robot Wombats to perform combats. The war was declared by both sides simultaneously at 9th of July 1907 and was effectively terminated by the complete annihilation of the IEEE by Cwombat forces during their raid on Winnipeg, Canada at 1st of April 1910. Victor Qi, the former head of the IEEE, was spared to become the AAAAA's chief weapons engineer. On the 14th of June 1911, the tyrannical Dr. Bray ascended to the AAAAA's presidential throne. A month later, Dr. Bray appointed Victor Qi vice president. Victor Qi appointed Thomas Layton to fill his vacated chief weapons engineer position. Under the direction of Thomas Layton, a device capable of world destruction was developed. The device operated at earth's resonant frequency to trigger earthquakes of unprecidented magnitude. Fortunately, the device was destroyed during a later conflict between the AAAAA and the ASME and was never utilized.