| - Hru hrál na USS Voyager Tuvok. Velký zájem o ni projevoval Harry Kim, Sedmá z devíti ji snadno vyřešila a Icheb na ni byl velmi talentovaný.
- The object of kal-toh, as stated by Tuvok, was "not about striving for balance but about finding the seeds of order even in the midst of profound chaos." A kal-toh set consisted of a number of playing rods called t'an. Harry Kim rather described it as "The object of the game is to turn this jumble of rods into a perfect sphere", and that each player took turns to position pieces, the one managing to form the final intended shape winning. (VOY: "Alter Ego", "Riddles") In an alternate timeline, Captain Harry Kim kept a kal-toh game in his ready room aboard the USS Rhode Island. (VOY: "Endgame")
- Kal-toh es un Juego vulcano de intensa estrategia que se puede jugar de manera individual o con varios individuos. El objetivo del Kal-toh, como declaró Tuvok, "No es sobre encontrar un balance, sino de encontrar las semillas del orden dentro del profundo caos"; un kal-toh consiste en un numero de varas de juego llamadas t'an. Cuando es descrito por Harry Kim a un Tuvok amnesico, este dijo, "El objeto del juego es hacer que todas las varas hagan una perfecta esfera", y que cada jugador tiene turnos, el que complete primero la esfera gana.
- It is considered a game of deep strategy with the objective being to use the playing rods known as t'an to change the shape of the Kal-toh set into a more ordered form. The placement of each rod alters the shape of all the other pieces which can either lead it into a more 'harmonius' shape or result it into being even more chaotic in appearance. The victor is the person who manages to transform the shape into an ordered form.
- Kal-toh jest Wolkańską grą strategiczną dla jednej lub wielu osób. Przedmiotem Kal-Toh, jak stwierdził Tuvok, "nie jest dążenie do równowagi, ale znalezienie ziarna porządku w samym środku głębokiego chaosu." Zestaw Kal-Toh składa się z wielu prętów zwanych t'an. When described by Harry Kim to an amnesic Tuvok, he said "The object of the game was to turn this jumble of rods into a perfect sphere", and that each player takes turns to position pieces, the one managing to form the final intended shape winning. (VOY: „Riddles”)
- thumb|Kal-toh-Stellung während des Spiels. thumb|Ein fertiggestellter Komplex. Kal-toh ist ein vulkanisches Logikspiel, das meist über einen holographischen Projektor gespielt wird und dessen Ziel es ist, durch Verschieben von Stäbchen die Entstehung eines möglichst kugelförmigen Körpers zu erzeugen. (VOY: ) Als Harry Kim das Kal-toh als vulkanisches Schach bezeichnet, meint Tuvok, dass sich Kal-toh zu Schach verhalte, wie Schach zu Schiffe versenken. Er erklärt das Spiel mit den Worten: Es geht darum, den Keim der Ordnung im Chaos zu finden. (VOY: )
| - Hru hrál na USS Voyager Tuvok. Velký zájem o ni projevoval Harry Kim, Sedmá z devíti ji snadno vyřešila a Icheb na ni byl velmi talentovaný.
- Kal-toh es un Juego vulcano de intensa estrategia que se puede jugar de manera individual o con varios individuos. El objetivo del Kal-toh, como declaró Tuvok, "No es sobre encontrar un balance, sino de encontrar las semillas del orden dentro del profundo caos"; un kal-toh consiste en un numero de varas de juego llamadas t'an. Cuando es descrito por Harry Kim a un Tuvok amnesico, este dijo, "El objeto del juego es hacer que todas las varas hagan una perfecta esfera", y que cada jugador tiene turnos, el que complete primero la esfera gana. Cuando Harry Kim se refirió al Kal-toh como un Ajedrez, Tuvok comento que "El Kal-toh es para un Ajedrez, lo que el Ajedrez es para un Gato" En una simulación de la holocubierta en el año 2373 creada por El Doctor que incluia un gran número de figuras históricas, Los hologramas de Socrates y T'Pau jugaron al Kal-toh. Durante un Juego de Kal-toh entre Harry Kim y Tuvok, Siete de Nueve tomó un turno de Harry y venció a Tuvok en un sólo movimiento, diciendo que ella utilizó armonías espaciales elementales para hacerlo.
- Kal-toh jest Wolkańską grą strategiczną dla jednej lub wielu osób. Przedmiotem Kal-Toh, jak stwierdził Tuvok, "nie jest dążenie do równowagi, ale znalezienie ziarna porządku w samym środku głębokiego chaosu." Zestaw Kal-Toh składa się z wielu prętów zwanych t'an. When described by Harry Kim to an amnesic Tuvok, he said "The object of the game was to turn this jumble of rods into a perfect sphere", and that each player takes turns to position pieces, the one managing to form the final intended shape winning. (VOY: „Riddles”) When Harry Kim referred to kal-toh as "Vulcan chess", Tuvok commented that, "Kal-toh is to chess as chess is to tic-tac-toe." (VOY: „Alter Ego”) In a holodeck simulation created by The Doctor that included numerous historical figures, the holograms of Socrates and T'Pau played kal-toh together. (VOY: „Darkling”) During a game played by Tuvok and Harry Kim, Seven of Nine took a turn for Harry and beat Tuvok in one move, claiming she used elementary spatial harmonics to do so. (VOY: „The Omega Directive”) Tuvok, Icheb i Harry Kim często grali w kal-toh razem. Icheb był bardzo utalentowany w tej grze. (VOY: „Endgame”) W alternatywnej linii czasu, kapitan Harry Kima trzymał kal-Toh w ready room na pokładzie USS Rhode Island. (VOY: „Endgame”)
- It is considered a game of deep strategy with the objective being to use the playing rods known as t'an to change the shape of the Kal-toh set into a more ordered form. The placement of each rod alters the shape of all the other pieces which can either lead it into a more 'harmonius' shape or result it into being even more chaotic in appearance. The victor is the person who manages to transform the shape into an ordered form. Some have compared the game to chess, however, Kal-toh is as different from chess as chess is towards tic-tac-toe. Seven of Nine claimed that the usage of elementary spatial harmonics can result in victory in the game, as demonstrated by herself when she won a game against Tuvok and Harry Kim. Tuvok once lost a game to Icheb. Lieutenant Commander Tuvok of the USS Voyager stated that Kal-toh: "Is not about striving for balance but about finding the seeds of order even in the midst of profound chaos." (VOY episodes: "Alter Ego", "Darkling", "The Omega Directive", "Endgame") In 2376, a new variation of kal-toh was available to buy on Deep Space 9's Promenade. Shathrissia zh'Cheen considered purchasing it as a gift for Thavanichent th'Dani. Thriss compared the game to chess. (DS9 novel: This Gray Spirit)
- The object of kal-toh, as stated by Tuvok, was "not about striving for balance but about finding the seeds of order even in the midst of profound chaos." A kal-toh set consisted of a number of playing rods called t'an. Harry Kim rather described it as "The object of the game is to turn this jumble of rods into a perfect sphere", and that each player took turns to position pieces, the one managing to form the final intended shape winning. (VOY: "Alter Ego", "Riddles") When Kim referred to kal-toh as "Vulcan chess", Tuvok commented that, "Kal-toh is to chess as chess is to tic-tac-toe." (VOY: "Alter Ego") Kim played several games with Tuvok, noting that it was surprisingly addictive for a game of pure logic, although he never managed to defeat Tuvok before Voyager returned to the Alpha Quadrant. (VOY: "Alter Ego", "The Omega Directive", "Riddles", "Endgame") A common error among novice players was to place the t'an on opposite sides of the kal-toh attempting to introduce a spatial balance, a strategy that would most certainly fail. (VOY: "Alter Ego") In a holodeck simulation created by The Doctor that included numerous historical figures, the holograms of Socrates and T'Pau played kal-toh together. (VOY: "Darkling") Tuvok, Icheb, and Harry Kim often played a match of kal-toh together. Tuvok had been taking lessons from a master from age five. Icheb also was quite talented with the game, although Tuvok blamed Icheb's first victory over him on an early manifestation of his degenerative neurological condition. (VOY: "Alter Ego", "Endgame") During a game played by Tuvok and Harry Kim, Seven of Nine took a turn for Kim and beat Tuvok in one move, claiming she used elementary spatial harmonics to do so. (VOY: "The Omega Directive") In an alternate timeline, Captain Harry Kim kept a kal-toh game in his ready room aboard the USS Rhode Island. (VOY: "Endgame") A completed game of kal-toh is in the shape of two nested icosidodecahedra connected by the center points of their edges. A different game referred to as Vulcan chess was shown in TAS: "The Magicks of Megas-Tu".
- thumb|Kal-toh-Stellung während des Spiels. thumb|Ein fertiggestellter Komplex. Kal-toh ist ein vulkanisches Logikspiel, das meist über einen holographischen Projektor gespielt wird und dessen Ziel es ist, durch Verschieben von Stäbchen die Entstehung eines möglichst kugelförmigen Körpers zu erzeugen. (VOY: ) Als Harry Kim das Kal-toh als vulkanisches Schach bezeichnet, meint Tuvok, dass sich Kal-toh zu Schach verhalte, wie Schach zu Schiffe versenken. Er erklärt das Spiel mit den Worten: Es geht darum, den Keim der Ordnung im Chaos zu finden. (VOY: ) Im Original spricht Tuvok hier statt von Schiffe versenken von Tic Tac Toe. Als Tuvok 2376 ins Koma fällt, bringt Neelix auch sein Kal-toh-Spiel auf die Krankenstation, um durch die Schaffung einer gewohnten Umgebung Tuvoks Aufwachprozess zu unterstützen. (VOY: ) Auf der USS Voyager wird es unter Anderem von Tuvok, Harry Kim oder Icheb gespielt. (VOY: )