Marionette's Rain (マリオネットの雨, Marionetto no Ame) called "Puppet Rain" in the anime, is a Shadow technique used by Masamune of the Nakatsukasa Clan using multiple Shadow Puppets to pierce the oppenent's flesh.
Marionette's Rain (マリオネットの雨, Marionetto no Ame) called "Puppet Rain" in the anime, is a Shadow technique used by Masamune of the Nakatsukasa Clan using multiple Shadow Puppets to pierce the oppenent's flesh.
Marionette's Rain (マリオネットの雨, Marionetto no Ame) called "Puppet Rain" in the anime, is a Shadow technique used by Masamune of the Nakatsukasa Clan using multiple Shadow Puppets to pierce the oppenent's flesh.