When the perk triggers, one of the following messages appears in Chat:
* Your Looting perk adds a raw cavefish.
* Your Looting perk adds a raw rocktail.
* Your Looting perk adds adamantite ore.
* Your Looting perk adds magic logs.
* Your Looting perk adds runite ore.
Attributes | Values |
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- Looting
- Looting
- Looting
| - Looting oder auch Rooting kann den Gegner für bis zu 3 Sekunden festhalten. Dieser Skill lässt sich von Magier der mindestens Level 30 ist, skillen. Der Skill kann sowohl mit Wand als auch mit Staff ausgeführt werden. Looting verursacht keinen Schaden. Er ist eine Art vorläufer von Satanolgy jedoch ist seine Wirkungsdauer viel Kürzer. Die Wahrscheinlichkeit, dass der Skill greift liegt jedoch nur bei maximal 65%. Zum Leveln lohnt sich dieser Skill nicht, da er eine zu kurze Wirkungsdauer hat. Er dient eher dazu einen Gegner aus defensivem Interesse fern zu halten. Das heißt den Partner zu schützen oder sich mehr Zeit zu geben aufs Board oder auf den Besen zu steigen. Die Fefern verfügen über diesen Skill.
- When the perk triggers, one of the following messages appears in Chat:
* Your Looting perk adds a raw cavefish.
* Your Looting perk adds a raw rocktail.
* Your Looting perk adds adamantite ore.
* Your Looting perk adds magic logs.
* Your Looting perk adds runite ore.
- <default><i>Unknown</i></default> imagecaption StatusUnknown First UsageUnknown Last UsageUnknown Fourth Fifth Sixth Looting (also referred to as Plunder or Possession) is an ability that allows it's user to take over another person for 5 seconds. However it can also be used to loot abilities from other ability-wielders if they are possessed. It is currently only used by Yū Otosaka.
- Looting is the act of plundering items from a fallen enemy's body. See loot for more info.
- Scavenging is similar to looting. Looting can actually be thought of as a kind of scavenging. Scavengers don't often victimize anyone as the majority of scavenged goods are abandoned. Looters will take things that are both owned and do not belong to any one. They operate under what they perceive as a temporary inability of the law to punish them for their acts. Scavenging takes place in an environment where the law is rendered obsolete from the chaos (in this case, a Zombie Epidemic).
- Looting When a creature is killed, it's corpse will remain where the creatue was slain for a length of time. The creature's corpse can then be skinned, looted, or even picked up. To loot the creature, simply right-click it's corpse and choose open.
- Looting is the act of waiting around for other players to die and then getting the items they leave behind. Often times this is done in very dangerous places such as the God Wars Dungeon, the Wilderness, the Ancient Cavern or any other dangerous place. It is sometimes looked down by other players as it is a method of obtaining items without really earning them. However, it is not a bannable offence under any current rule unless some type of scam or lure was involved. Arrow collecting could also be considered a form of looting as well as scavenging.
- Looting means taking the Loot from a monster you have killed. To do this you open the creature's dead body you "Use" on the creature's body. (Hold [Ctrl] and left-click the body (Tibia Default controls). After Summer Update 2006 only one person who did the most damage, or people in the same Party as the person who did the most damage, can loot monster for a period of 10 seconds.
- You can loot the bodies of fallen enemies and dress hunted creatures for their fur, meat or other useful bits. The corpse will emit a glowing particle effect to let you know if it has loot. Double-click on your victim’s corpse to open a window showing what it was carrying. You can transfer this loot to your Inventory, either by clicking on each item you want individually, or by clicking on the Take All button to grab everything. Loot rights are assigned to the player or group that received “kill credit” for the mob. When an enemy is killed by multiple combatants who are not all grouped together, the kill credit goes to the group or player that tagged the foe first. Within a group, there are various group looting modes that can be chosen by the group leader. These are described in detail un
- Looting (also known as scavenging) is an essential part of the game-play in Dead Frontier. Typically, "looting" is used to describe the action of searching for items in the Inner City. While looting in today's society is considered as theft of goods, it is a part of life in Dead Frontier, since this is how survivors get items to prolong their survival.
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| - Looting
- Adamantite ore
- Magic logs
- Runite ore
- Raw rocktail
- Raw cavefish
| - Most enemies have a 25% chance to drop an additional high-level resource.
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| - Hält den Gegner für kurze Zeit fest
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First Usage
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| - Looting oder auch Rooting kann den Gegner für bis zu 3 Sekunden festhalten. Dieser Skill lässt sich von Magier der mindestens Level 30 ist, skillen. Der Skill kann sowohl mit Wand als auch mit Staff ausgeführt werden. Looting verursacht keinen Schaden. Er ist eine Art vorläufer von Satanolgy jedoch ist seine Wirkungsdauer viel Kürzer. Die Wahrscheinlichkeit, dass der Skill greift liegt jedoch nur bei maximal 65%. Zum Leveln lohnt sich dieser Skill nicht, da er eine zu kurze Wirkungsdauer hat. Er dient eher dazu einen Gegner aus defensivem Interesse fern zu halten. Das heißt den Partner zu schützen oder sich mehr Zeit zu geben aufs Board oder auf den Besen zu steigen. Die Fefern verfügen über diesen Skill.
- When the perk triggers, one of the following messages appears in Chat:
* Your Looting perk adds a raw cavefish.
* Your Looting perk adds a raw rocktail.
* Your Looting perk adds adamantite ore.
* Your Looting perk adds magic logs.
* Your Looting perk adds runite ore.
- <default><i>Unknown</i></default> imagecaption StatusUnknown First UsageUnknown Last UsageUnknown Fourth Fifth Sixth Looting (also referred to as Plunder or Possession) is an ability that allows it's user to take over another person for 5 seconds. However it can also be used to loot abilities from other ability-wielders if they are possessed. It is currently only used by Yū Otosaka.
- Looting is the act of waiting around for other players to die and then getting the items they leave behind. Often times this is done in very dangerous places such as the God Wars Dungeon, the Wilderness, the Ancient Cavern or any other dangerous place. It is sometimes looked down by other players as it is a method of obtaining items without really earning them. However, it is not a bannable offence under any current rule unless some type of scam or lure was involved. In the first few hours that the God Wars Dungeon was released looting became a very profitable means of obtaining items. Many medium to high level players brought valuable armour and weapons such as Barrows and Dragon equipment without realising the full danger of the God Wars Dungeon. There were many players who were able to obtain the items after they died. Looting is somewhat uncommon now but every so often can occur. Looting in the God Wars Dungeon is no longer a very viable means of obtaing money since most experienced players are now aware of the risks and dangers of the dungeon. Arrow collecting could also be considered a form of looting as well as scavenging.
- Looting (also known as scavenging) is an essential part of the game-play in Dead Frontier. Typically, "looting" is used to describe the action of searching for items in the Inner City. While looting in today's society is considered as theft of goods, it is a part of life in Dead Frontier, since this is how survivors get items to prolong their survival. Survivors are very dependent on the looting of items, as that is the main way in which new items are brought into the game. Many of the items in the game can only be obtained by looting in the Inner City. Cash, Weapons, Ammunition, Clothing, Armours, Food items, Medical items, Miscellaneous Items(Not all) and Barricading materials, and are all of the things that players can find. Items found in the inner city can be either sold at the market or utilized by the player, except items gathered from Missions. Loot quality depends on the zone in which the player is looting and on or lack thereof. There are no other factors in looting. As stated by AdminPwn recently the probability of getting a weapon or an armor is 2% (4% for Gold Members). In the NEZ however, it is 1.5%(3% for Gold Members) and in SEZ it is 2.5%(5% for Gold Members) because of the close proximity of Secronom Bunker to the NEZ, which makes looting rather easy as no one would go to SEZ because of that.
- Looting means taking the Loot from a monster you have killed. To do this you open the creature's dead body you "Use" on the creature's body. (Hold [Ctrl] and left-click the body (Tibia Default controls). After Summer Update 2006 only one person who did the most damage, or people in the same Party as the person who did the most damage, can loot monster for a period of 10 seconds. This can also mean stealing the Loot from a monster another player killed. Watch out for people throwing identical corpses on the body you just slayed (by test moving the body you can check if it's yours or not, since "your" body won't move within 10 seconds).
- Looting is the act of plundering items from a fallen enemy's body. See loot for more info.
- You can loot the bodies of fallen enemies and dress hunted creatures for their fur, meat or other useful bits. The corpse will emit a glowing particle effect to let you know if it has loot. Double-click on your victim’s corpse to open a window showing what it was carrying. You can transfer this loot to your Inventory, either by clicking on each item you want individually, or by clicking on the Take All button to grab everything. Loot rights are assigned to the player or group that received “kill credit” for the mob. When an enemy is killed by multiple combatants who are not all grouped together, the kill credit goes to the group or player that tagged the foe first. Within a group, there are various group looting modes that can be chosen by the group leader. These are described in detail under Grouping
- Scavenging is similar to looting. Looting can actually be thought of as a kind of scavenging. Scavengers don't often victimize anyone as the majority of scavenged goods are abandoned. Looters will take things that are both owned and do not belong to any one. They operate under what they perceive as a temporary inability of the law to punish them for their acts. Scavenging takes place in an environment where the law is rendered obsolete from the chaos (in this case, a Zombie Epidemic).
- Looting When a creature is killed, it's corpse will remain where the creatue was slain for a length of time. The creature's corpse can then be skinned, looted, or even picked up. To loot the creature, simply right-click it's corpse and choose open.
is Ability
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