| - While the rest of her team were killed, she met the Seventh Doctor and Ace during the mission. She survived the encounter with the Daleks and the destruction of the Kar-Charrat library. (AUDIO: The Genocide Machine) Afterwards she headed off on her own. She made a living as an art thief until ending up stranded on Duchamp 331, a dustball of a planet, after her ship's hyperdrive burnt out. Here she once again encountered the Doctor and Ace. She helped them to defeat the Doctor's old foe, , before leaving with them aboard the TARDIS. (AUDIO: Dust Breeding) She travelled with them for some time, before eventually being "dumped" in the 26th century. She resumed her old ways as a thief. She made her way through the galaxy this way for almost a decade, striking up various brief partnerships with other thieves (AUDIO: The Judas Gift) until she took one particular job that had unexpected consequences. While visiting the planet Bellotron to steal a burial urn, she was captured and examined by Rutans, one of whom took on her appearance and used her identity. She met Professor Bernice Summerfield, and when they both discovered their mutual acquaintance with the Doctor, Bev accompanied Bernice back to the Braxiatel Collection. (AUDIO: The Bellotron Incident) Bev developed a sense of belonging during the Collection's occupation by the Fifth Axis. (PROSE: Life During Wartime, AUDIO: Death and the Daleks). She became a member of the resistance, plotting against the Fifth Axis and undergoing torture after she was captured. After the occupation Bev became a member of the staff, serving at first as a P.A. to Irving Braxiatel himself, before eventually replacing him as Director of the Collection when the Time Lord was forced to leave. (AUDIO: The Tartarus Gate) Her tenure as Director was fraught with problems and many of the staff felt she was not up for the job, which was not entirely her own fault, since the Collection was tied to Braxtiatel in ways no one really understood. (PROSE: Collected Works) She tried to step into his shoes and negotiate a truce between the warring Draconians and the Mim, but was unsuccessful, eventually forced to accept the help of the Collection's founder. (AUDIO: The Judas Gift) Bev's time at the Collection came to an abrupt end when the Draconians sent an diplomatic party to supposedly foster an alliance with them. It was actually a ploy to deliver a ceremonial item. The item, a gauntlet later revealed to be the "Judas Gift", was presented to Bev and after putting it on, she fell into a brief coma and was forced to relive her memories of her time as a thief. She had fallen in love with a man named Ethan, only to be betrayed by him, and she had left him to die. It was revealed that the Draconian ambassador, Kothar, had familial ties with Ethan and was seeking revenge. Bev faked her own death aboard a shuttle and escaped the Collection, leaving a farewell message to everyone aboard the Collection, warning them that someone was using the Draconians for their own ends. She left a goodbye for her lover, Adrian Wall, asking Bernice to meet her at a specific place. Braxiatel discovered this message but neglected to pass it on, since it was his own manipulations that were affecting the whole Draconian/Mim conflict. (AUDIO: The Judas Gift) Bev later met Bernice Summerfield when she fled the Collection with her son Peter, following the death of her husband Jason Kane. (AUDIO: The Wake) She rescued Adrian Wall, who was being held captive by Braxiatel, and the two went into business together, later rejoining Bernice and Peter in a daring raid on Vingus Bank and Braxiatel's personal vault. (AUDIO: Glory Days) When Braxiatel's mechanoids began kidnapping people around the galaxy Bev joined Adrian, Bernice, Peter and Robyn in their search for the truth. They traced the kidnappings back to a hidden location on the Moon and discovered that Doggles was responsible for controlling the mechanoids. Bev was knocked unconscious by Robyn when the android discovered what Braxiatel's plans were. (AUDIO: Resurrecting the Past) Bev then took a responsibility on the Collection too look after the refugees so that they were protected from the Deindum. She with Adrian, Benny, Peter and Doggles went to the Deindum ship to rescue Brax from their clutches so that they could use his knowledge to defeat them. (AUDIO: Escaping the Future)