| - Level: 76 Price: 80,500 Sellback: 40,250 Location: Law of the Dragons Element: Earth COMBAT DEFENCE Melee: 43 Ranged: 39 Magic: 38 ELEMENT MODIFIER Fire: 63% Water: 137% Wind: 142% Ice: 83% Earth: 58% Energy: 83% Light: 83% Darkness: 83% ATTACK If you have at least 211 SP, you can choose between the Attack and the Breath Weapon. If you don't, then you automatically use the Attack. Attack Hits: 1 Type: «As Weapon» Element: «As Weapon» Damage: 195% Base, Random, and Stats damage BTH: +9 plus Stats Breath Weapon: Earthgrab! Hits: 1 Type: «Melee converts to Ranged; else As Weapon» Element: Earth Damage: 66-195 damage plus 812% Stats BTH: +19 plus Stats Effect:**This is treated as a Spell, and thus does not use any of your weapon's statistics (other than Type).
* If the attack hits and deals >0 damage, then your opponent can be paralysed (new) for one round. The monster gets a +20 bonus on its roll. Level: 76 vs MonsterLevel Major: YourEND vs MonsterEND Minor: YourLUK vs MonsterLUK Cost: 211 SP *You bury your foe in dirt! DESCRIPTION As a rare Earth Dragon, you have risen from your burrow in a mountain to wage war on pitiful villagers everywhere! File:EarthDragonForm.jpg