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- afval schouw; auto-hechting; bat'leth; cardio-stimulator; deuterium; disruptor; energie koppeling; energiecel; fase omkeerder; gasreus; hexatriol; inductieklep; Kellenite; Kellenite sterrenschip; Klaang; Klingons; Klingon vrachtschip; Klingon hoge raad; kolonie; Kreetassan; liter; mek'leth; millibar; Navorkot; osmotische aal; plasma; plasma brandwond; shib'a hagedis; Shuttlepod 1; Suliban; Suus Mahna; targ; Tessic's ras; vaatstelsel kleefmiddel, Vulcans; zonnestelsel.
- The Outer World Marauders are one of the biggest of the known pirate groups. Due to regular internal struggles the OW Marauders never gained real power in the universe. But for many traders and travelers they remain a daily issue. The Marauders prefer to raid trading ships. Many governments have taken drastic measures against them, but the OW Marauders are still out there. For every hideout taken out two new ones have spawned. Since some time there seems to be a pact of some kind between the OW arauders and the organization called "The Hand". On several occasions coordinated maneuvers could been observed. A confirmed report states that a cornered group of OW Marauder vessels was saved by a party of Hand Hitmen.
- Marauders are characters in Saints Row IV.
- The Marauders were a basketball team.
- Marauders is a technology in Age of Empires II: The Forgotten that is unique to the Huns and can be researched at the Castle. Once researched, Tarkans can be trained at the Stable. Since Stables are significantly cheaper than Castles, this makes it easier to field large armies of Tarkans quickly.
- The "Marauder" Attack Craft is a spacecraft in Intensity XS games.
- Species Location Weapon Abilities The Marauders are a group of savage humans living in the Wastelands and Icelands before and during Jak 3, and possibly after. They served as a minor antagonizing faction during Jak 3, encountered in the Wasteland and in Arena of Death challenges.
- This is what Sonic and friends are calling the Nocturnus on account of they have no real clue as to who they really are. The leader of this group of bad guys is a female echinda named "Procurator" Shade. The tech they use to battle you with can literally suck the life out of anyone when it connects. It is not known that these are more echindas until Shade takes off her mask and reveals herself. They are responsible for the theft of all seven Chaos Emeralds, the kidnapping of Knuckles, and the disappearance of the floating shrine called Angel Island.
- The Marauders (or Marauder State)is, in the beginning, a reclusive and often bloody faction descended from displaced scientists of the Ultor Corporation. They are historically hostile to both the EDF and Red Faction, until they form an alliance with the latter to push the EDF off Mars during the Second Martian Revolution. After the war, they become very socialite to open up for everyone to visit their land. The uneasy truce between what would become the two Martian states, while being strained heavily at times, lasted at least another half-century.
- Nájezdníci je šestá epizoda druhé série série seriálu Star Trek: Enterprise. Enterprise nalezla kolonii těžící deuterium, kterou však kontrolují klingonští nájezdníci. Kapitán se jim rozhodl pomoci a tak je posádka chystá na obranu.
- The Marauders are a Loyalist Space Marine Chapter and a Second Founding Successor Chapter of the White Scars according to the Apocrypha of Davio, written in the 33rd Millennium. Little else is known about them in Imperial records save that the Mantis Warriors Chapter, which grew infamous during the Badab War, was created from the gene-seed of the Marauders.
- The Marauders are a group of ragtag invaders who attacked all the Nine Realms. They are composed of various races, many of them considered lowlifes by the more cultured and civilized inhabitants of the realms. After Thor destroyed the Bifrost Bridge in 2011, the Asgardians were confined to their home realm, leaving the other Nine Realms completely undefended. Taking advantage of this, the Marauders set about invading the realms, murdering and looting whatever they could find.
- The Marauders were a group of four Gryffindors and classmates: Remus Lupin, Peter Pettigrew, Sirius Black and James Potter. The four attended Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry from 1971-1978. They had a knack for rule-breaking and mischief making.
- The Marauders are a group of super-powered criminals working on behalf of the interests of the villain Mister Sinister. Sinister had long devoted his life to the study of genetics and mutations in particular. Knowing of the existence of an underground community called the Morlocks, Sinister decided that their existence was compromising and diluting the genetic gene pool. To remedy this, he met Gambit, a thief that owed Sinister a favor for restoring balance to his formative mutant powers, to form a group of mercenaries into a team of Marauders that would work for him.