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- Alice Liddell was the young girl who supposedly inspired the children's classic Alice's Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll. In reality, she was a sociopath and a murderer.
- On February 14th 2009, Ben McHale smoked crack-cocaine with a friend named Bear Brodsky. He overdosed on the drug and died.
- One of the very few characters who are similar in personality, physical appearance, and reactions to the original book. Alice reacts to everything a little bit more realistically than the original Alice, questioning her surroundings, however she is s till dreamy and absent minded. Many of the other characters note that Alice unintentionally leads them on. Alice has at least two sisters, Edith (younger) and Lorina (older), and an ex-boyfriend who bares a striking resemblance to Blood Dupre.
- Alice is rather ladylike with a burning curiosity about the world- this, of course, occasionally leads to trouble. She is imaginative and intelligent, though she has learned through the years not to brag terribly about how much she knows. She has a warm heart, always gentle and slow to anger, though she is always taken aback whenever someone is rude and obnoxious. She accepts beings (human or otherwise) as they are, treating everyone on an equal basis. It still frustrates her that she cannot possibly please everyone and occasionally says the wrong things. Though at the tender age of fourteen, she still accepts the most wildly impossible events that can happen; however, she cannot help but briefly (barely) question them. Alice continues to dream, envisioning vividly of the most fantastical
- Alice Liddell is the youngest daughter of Arthur and Mrs. Liddell, and the younger sister of Elizabeth. Alice is the sole survivor of a house fire that killed her family and caused her immense trauma when she was a child, affecting her reality, as well as her imaginary world, Wonderland, and its citizens. As Alice struggled with the fragments of her memories, post-traumatic stress disorder, and deteriorating mental health after a ten-year catatonic state in Rutledge Asylum, she returned to Wonderland to save it from the Queen of Hearts, killing the monsters inside her head.