| - A Power Trio of best friends, high school or middle school age, consisting of:
* The Hero
* A best friend of the same gender
* A best friend of the opposite gender, 50% of the time an Unlucky Childhood Friend. The two sidekicks will usually be opposites in other ways, too -- one will be a straight-A student, one will be a jock; or one will be rich, one will be poor; or one will be black, one will be white (or Asian). To that end, they may double as a Power Trio. Quite often the With a Friend and a Stranger dynamic will be present. Examples of Three Amigos include:
| - A Power Trio of best friends, high school or middle school age, consisting of:
* The Hero
* A best friend of the same gender
* A best friend of the opposite gender, 50% of the time an Unlucky Childhood Friend. The two sidekicks will usually be opposites in other ways, too -- one will be a straight-A student, one will be a jock; or one will be rich, one will be poor; or one will be black, one will be white (or Asian). To that end, they may double as a Power Trio. Romance will be explored. A Last-Minute Hookup could almost always be expected between The Hero and a sidekick, until J. K. Rowling popularized the sidekick romance (although Lucas did it first with Han and Leia). One should hope that it won't turn into a Love Triangle. The two sidekicks are almost always the Secret Keepers in a Wake Up, Go to School, Save the World setting. This is an attractive setup for many writers, because it gives the main character a person of each gender to interact with easily. Most prevalent within American shows directed at children and tweens, where writers conspicuously try to keep their cast as limited as possible. Anime tends to add a fourth member, closer to one of the sidekicks than The Hero. They might also get a team expansion later, but the trio will always be front and centre and be treated like the "real" heroes. Quite often the With a Friend and a Stranger dynamic will be present. Is often Super-Trope to Two Guys and a Girl, Two Girls and a Guy. Compare Token Trio. Contrast with the all-female Sister Trope, Beauty, Brains, and Brawn. Terrible Trio is the villainous equivalent: The leader will be more bossy, and the sidekicks dumber and interchangeable. Not to be confused with the comedy film. Or that one Disney film barely anybody remembers. Examples of Three Amigos include: