| - The Fire Plains was a location on Vulcan which was located in the Raal province. This covered over 2 million hectares of land and was located 644 kilometers to the northeast of Vulcana Regar. It was situated at the base of a triangle of active volcanoes which were T'raan to the north, T'riall to the southeast and T'regar to the southwest. The Fire Plains were subject to scientific interest as barely a decade had passed without an eruption occuring from even one of the triple peaks. What makes the area renowned throughout the galaxy was formations of multicolored crystals which grow throughout the superheated environment. These bursts of explosions have thus provided an ever changing explosion of kaleidoscopic panormas which were a feast for the eyes and the soul. (Last Unicorn RPG module: The Way of Kolinahr: The Vulcans)
- In the story of "Falor's Journey", when T'Para offered Falor truth, he crossed the barren Fire Plains to get to the silent monks of Kir. (VOY: "Innocence") There was a proto-Vulcan drama called Clash on the Fire Plains. Neelix was going to read this to Tuvok, performing all twenty-three parts himself, in hopes it would help him recover. (VOY: "Riddles") In 2154, when Starfleet Commanders Tucker and T'Pol went on a sight-seeing expedition to Vulcan, one of the many sites they visited was the Vulcan Fire Plains. They stood on a cliff overlooking the vista as T'Pol informed Tucker, who was besotted with her, that she was due to marry Koss. (ENT: "Home", "Affliction") In the script of "Home", the Fire Plains were described thus; "A vast, boiling field of lava stretches for kilometers in the distance. Enormous rock statues stand on a cliff overlooking the fire plains... they’re carved in the image of ancient Vulcan warriors. The statues loom over the scene with power and majesty." In an ultimately omitted line of dialogue from the same script, T'Pol explained, "The statues were built around the time of the Awakening... more than two thousand Earth years [ago]."