The Mempa sector was a main base of the House of Duras in 2367, where they gathered their fleet to challenge Gowron's forces at the start of the Klingon Civil War. (TNG episode: "Redemption, Part I") Although Gowron was able to destroy their Mempa sector bases, Duras was able to drive Gowron out of the Mempa sector, to Beta Lankal. (TNG episode: "Redemption, Part II")
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- Mempa sector
| - The Mempa sector was a main base of the House of Duras in 2367, where they gathered their fleet to challenge Gowron's forces at the start of the Klingon Civil War. (TNG episode: "Redemption, Part I") Although Gowron was able to destroy their Mempa sector bases, Duras was able to drive Gowron out of the Mempa sector, to Beta Lankal. (TNG episode: "Redemption, Part II")
- Deze plaats werd door het Huis van Duras in 2367 uitgekozen om een grote vloot te verzamelen om een offensief tegen Gowron's troepen uit te voeren tijdens de Klingon burgeroorlog. (TNG: "Redemption, Deel I") Gowron's troepen wisten de voorraad basissen in de sector te vernielen, maar werden daarna overlopen door Duras' troepen. Duras werd stiekem geholpen door de Romulans, waardoor het eigenlijk geen eerlijk gevecht was. Gowron's troepen moesten zich terugtrekken en hergroeperen bij de ster Beta Lankal. (TNG: "Redemption, Deel II")
- Several forces allied with Captain Kurn were stationed in the Mempa sector before the outbreak of the Klingon Civil War. When Worf convinced Kurn to support Gowron, Kurn had to go to the Mempa sector to meet with the other squadron commanders in order to convince them to support Gowron as well. (TNG: "Redemption" )
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| - The Mempa sector was a main base of the House of Duras in 2367, where they gathered their fleet to challenge Gowron's forces at the start of the Klingon Civil War. (TNG episode: "Redemption, Part I") Although Gowron was able to destroy their Mempa sector bases, Duras was able to drive Gowron out of the Mempa sector, to Beta Lankal. (TNG episode: "Redemption, Part II")
- Deze plaats werd door het Huis van Duras in 2367 uitgekozen om een grote vloot te verzamelen om een offensief tegen Gowron's troepen uit te voeren tijdens de Klingon burgeroorlog. (TNG: "Redemption, Deel I") Gowron's troepen wisten de voorraad basissen in de sector te vernielen, maar werden daarna overlopen door Duras' troepen. Duras werd stiekem geholpen door de Romulans, waardoor het eigenlijk geen eerlijk gevecht was. Gowron's troepen moesten zich terugtrekken en hergroeperen bij de ster Beta Lankal. (TNG: "Redemption, Deel II")
- Several forces allied with Captain Kurn were stationed in the Mempa sector before the outbreak of the Klingon Civil War. When Worf convinced Kurn to support Gowron, Kurn had to go to the Mempa sector to meet with the other squadron commanders in order to convince them to support Gowron as well. (TNG: "Redemption" ) Following the outbreak of war, Gowron's forces were able to destroy the Duras' forces' supply lines in the Mempa sector. Three weeks later, the forces loyal to the Duras family had rebuilt their lines in the sector, thanks to Romulan support, and defeated Gowron's forces in the Mempa system, forcing them to retreat to Beta Lankal. (TNG: "Redemption II" ) According to the scripts for "Redemption" and "Redemption II", the pronunciation for Mempa was "MEM-pah". [1] [2] The map "Alpha/Beta Quadrant Overview", seen in Captain Gabriel Lorca's ready room aboard the USS Discovery, is based on the reference works Star Trek: Star Charts and Stellar Cartography: The Starfleet Reference Library. [3] The map is responsible for placing the sector in the Beta Quadrant. According to, the planetoid Rura Penthe was located in this sector.
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