| - Muffy: Hello fans, Muffy Crosswire here, reporting for the Muffington Post. Today I'm with Francine Frensky, a soccer star who has overcome incredible odds, having been born with duck's feet. Francine: What? That's not true. Muffy: Well I have to spice it up. Francine: Muffy, very few people have successfully done the pinwheel kick, it's incredibly hard. First, a player has to kick the ball, over her head. Then, she turns around in mid-air. Muffy: Ok, you win. Can you just do it? My designer sneakers are getting soggy. Francine: Today, we make history. Muffy: You were right, that's amazing!
| - Muffy: Hello fans, Muffy Crosswire here, reporting for the Muffington Post. Today I'm with Francine Frensky, a soccer star who has overcome incredible odds, having been born with duck's feet. Francine: What? That's not true. Muffy: Well I have to spice it up. Francine: Muffy, very few people have successfully done the pinwheel kick, it's incredibly hard. First, a player has to kick the ball, over her head. Then, she turns around in mid-air. Muffy: Ok, you win. Can you just do it? My designer sneakers are getting soggy. Francine: Today, we make history. Muffy: You were right, that's amazing! Francine: That's not how it was supposed to go. Francine: Number of views, 202, 203, 204? Ah! I'm doomed! Arthur: Hey, it's Flippity Francine! Buster: Are you gonna do another flip? Is that why your wearing the big coat? Binky: Nice moves, Flippity. Francine runs into Muffy. Binky: The one in the video was better, but that's still pretty funny. (laughs) You're hysterical. Francine: Thanks a lot Muffy. Muffy: Francine, wait! Francine: Why? So you can film me and put it online? Muffy: Oh! Are you gonna do something funny, cause I can go get my camera. Francine: No! You've made me the laughing stock of the entire school! Muffy: Not just the school Francine, the video is a hit all over the internet! 'Female Adult:' Flippity, you're hysterical! (laughs) Muffy: See? Francine: Oh great! So I'm ruined in school and Elwood City? Muffy: Ruined? What are you talking about? You're a star! Meet me after school and I'll show you what I mean. Buster: Remember when I saved that cat from a tree? I was a celebrity for... well, at least a week. I hated it. Everyone thought I was really stuck up. Francine: How'd you get people to like you again? Buster: Hmm, I don't remember. Hold on. Oh, I saved my friends from a runaway piano. Do you see any runaway pianos? Francine: Uh, no.