| - Like almost all clone troopers, CC-4516 was born and raised on Kamino. Around 20 BBY, CC-4516 was deployed with Jedi Master Goroth Heklav and his apprentice Lydia to take over a Separatist fort on the planet Jandur. The fort housed a mine, where large quantities of metal were found. Generals of the Republic theorized that more weapons, craft and other war materials could be made in larger batches for the side that possessed the mine. The Republic's forces had, to that point, failed to breach the fortress and their lines were being depleted. Hekalv assumed that a spy had infiltrated the Republic's ranks and tasked CC-4516 to find the spy.
| - Like almost all clone troopers, CC-4516 was born and raised on Kamino. Around 20 BBY, CC-4516 was deployed with Jedi Master Goroth Heklav and his apprentice Lydia to take over a Separatist fort on the planet Jandur. The fort housed a mine, where large quantities of metal were found. Generals of the Republic theorized that more weapons, craft and other war materials could be made in larger batches for the side that possessed the mine. The Republic's forces had, to that point, failed to breach the fortress and their lines were being depleted. Hekalv assumed that a spy had infiltrated the Republic's ranks and tasked CC-4516 to find the spy. CC-4516 and two other ARF troopers went to monitor the Separatists' outer wall. They soon tracked down the radio signal, which led to a local Gran farmer named Jarko Cees. CC-4516 quickly found the Gran, who begged for mercy, but the clone cut the Gran into pieces with a machete. After Cees' demise, Heklav successfully led the clone strike force in securing the fort. CC-4516 was appointed leader of the garrison along with Hekalv. Soon afterwards CC-4516 was dubbed "Cleaver" due to him killing Cees by cutting him up.