| - 6
- El seis (6) es el número natural que sigue al cinco y precede al siete. Categoría:Números
- 6,是5与7之间的数字,是最中间的偶数。
- Diana ist über ihr eigenes Verhalten fassungslos und kann nicht glauben, dass sie Julian geküsst hat. Rasch bemüht sie sich, möglichst unauffällig von der Party zu verschwinden und läuft ausgerechnet Jenny und Julian in die Arme. Unter einer fadenscheinigen Ausrede nutzt Diana das Auftauchen von Julians Bruder Tim, um sich davon zu stehlen. Am nächsten Morgen will sich Diana mit Julian aussprechen. Doch der hat im Moment ganz andere Sorgen: Tim, dessen Verantwortung seit dem Tod der Eltern Julian obliegt, hat Schwierigkeiten mit der Polizei, die bereits nach ihm sucht. Nach einem Streit zwischen den Brüdern haut Tim ab und findet heimlich Unterschlupf bei Vanessa, Jennys aufmüpfiger Schwester. Währenddessen macht sich Julian verzweifelt auf die Suche nach seinem kleinen Bruder.
- This page is a listing of all the players who have worn the number "6" for the Toronto Blue Jays, and for what years.
* Sil Campusano (1988)
* Howie Clark (2003-2004)
* Bobby Cox - as Manager (1982-1985)
* Felipe Crespo (1996)
* Carlos Delgado (1993-1995)
* Ron Fairly (1977)
* Pat Kelly (1980)
* Joe Lawrence (2002)
* John McDonald (2005-present)
* Orlando Merced (1997)
* Luis Sojo (1990)
* Dan Whitmer (1981)
* Kevin Witt (1998-1999)
- 5 | 6 | 7 6, also known as Sex in American slang, is the sixth number of the alphabet, known for its values of Math and Science. 6 is the number that if added by 3, and then added by 12, and then added by 44, and subtracted by 13, and then subtracted by 43, and then multiplied by 10, and then subtracted by 54, it will equal itself. Pretty weird.
- 6 is a EXTREMELY common name everywhere.
- 6 has been with 1234567890 as long as he can remember. He enjoyed being with the group, but then he saw something that changed his life. He saw seven with fork and knife, and then 7 ate 9!!! 6 screamed, which got 7's attention. 7 turned on 6, and 6 ran. 6 is currently in hiding.
- the creation of a being as made by said being. Choice given to expression as to how to express itself. The emergence of total consciousness. Expression turned inward on itself to see what parts of expression are able, and which are unable.
- Number 6 was an item on The List.
- The year 6 AD.
- #6 is the sixth figure in the M.U.S.C.L.E. toy series.
- After its introduction by the printer in 1752, the number six had a happy childhood, as the fostered child of the letters Q and π. It was good at every subject in school except Math, at which it sucked. Despite a brief stint of drug addiction in 1769, it studied Geography in university, earning a PHD.
- Le nombre six ce trouve entre 5 et 7 il s'ecrit "six" et pas sisse, sise ou réfrigérateur. En Angleterre on l'ecrit pareil sauf comme il ont un accent a la cons ils disent "sixs" ils prononcent le x avec s. Bon c'est super moche mais ya le style qui va avec!!
- 6, linia tramwajowa, normalna, łączące pętle Krzyki z pętlą Kowale, obsługiwana przez Skody 16T jakoże jest to trasa średnicowa dla Wrocławia. Jej trasa liczy 27 przystanków które pokonuje w czasie 40 minut , a tramwaje kursują co 15 minut .
- 6 (шесть) — трехкратное число между 0 и 1. Напоминает б.
- 6 gehört zur Gruppe der tabuisierten Zahlen. Über 6 spricht man nicht. Trotzdem hat es sich eingebürgert, Kinder ab einem Alter von 6 Jahren in die Schule zu schicken - außer in Frankreich, wo sie bereits mit 2 Jahren in die Ecôle Maternélle abgeschoben werden.
- [[Plik:6.PNG|right|thumb|250px|Historyczne trasy linii 6 (powiększ)]] [[Plik:DSC09423.jpg|thumb|right|250px|Szóstka na ul. Słowackiego (2013)]] 6 – linia tramwajowa zwykła (rozkład jazdy), która kursuje z Metra Młociny na Gocławek. Linię obsługują zajezdnie tramwajowe Praga i Żoliborz.
- 6 (six) is a positive integer following 5 and preceding 7. Its ordinal form is written "sixth" or "6th".
- 回BR2紀錄整理區
- Six (6) is a number, which, in decimal, represents 1+1+1+1+1+1. It comes after 5 and before 7.
- 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 |
- Ask That Guy Episode 6 (July 9, 2008) [ThatGuy is reading a book, after a second he notices the camera] ThatGuy: Oh, Hola! Didn’t hear you come in. Greetings and welcome to Ask That Guy with the Glasses. [Piano music starts playing, title card appears] Narrator: So... What was the after-life like? And how did you come back? Narrator: Where is your traditional 'Ask That Guy with the Glasses' pipe? ThatGuy: [Notices his pipe is gone] I’ll be right back! [He leaves] [Cut to Chester A. Bum in his typically location, about to do a review] ThatGuy [Off screen]: Give me that! Give me that! The End
- The number 6 on a football team was originally worn by one of the three centre halfs in the old 2–3–5 formation. Over time two of the three half-backs moved back into defence as 4–4–2 became the formation of choice, meaning that the numbers 4,5 and 6, the numbers previously allocated to the centre halfs, were sometimes used by central defenders and sometimes by central midfielders. N.B. Nationality is defined as the country represented by a player at any level of international football, or their country of birth if they have never played internationally.
- Victoria Winters goes down to the basement, looking for David. She doesn't find him, but sees a locked door and starts to pound on it calling for David. At the sound of footsteps, she turns around and sees a man on the staircase, glaring at her and brandishing a fire poker. Carolyn meets Victoria in the foyer and offers her car keys to get into town. Elizabeth hears Victoria leaving and thinks someone's come in. Carolyn says it's just one of the ghosts starting to rattle around.
- So soon what, so young, yet ripe, ice cream cake is melting, everybody's leaving, what's that on the door, I know, no I don't, who are these people here? They don't know why I am how I am, nor I, now here, soon there, maybe, or maybe still here, I'm a toddler in a child's body, but treat me like I have a decade, time enough to know better, but not time enough to do better. Tuck me in tight, I might slide out, slip away in a few years, be different, forgotten, drinking under moonlight, swearing at figures in darkness, I AM NIGHTMARE, fear me, detest me, leave me alone, why am I still here? Time moves on, this isn't something to delight in, life changes, but death will still be inevitable. There's no light at the end of the tunnel. It's a fluorescent tunnel, you have to squint to see, but th