| - This little book contains a list of orcish words and their equivalent in the human tongue. Seems like its former possessor was on a diplomatic mission - with unsatisfying results, apparently. The list contains the following entries: aanug-dawn, aarsh-day, aarshu-tomorrow, agh-and, agon-dusk, akh-agree/yes, akhum-agreement, baiark-clan, bhoghad-all right, bruf-defeat, dargum-emissary, diis-attack, dorozg-capitulate/surrender, flok-hair, gashn-command/speak, glurglurlob-captive, golm-offer, goth-enemy, grat-leader, grish-blood, gundul-guard, izg-I, izgu-we, izish-me, izubu-our, kala-castle, karn-red, khlaar-hear, krut-back, laam-tongue, lat/latu-you, maal-yellow, mauk-fight, mazauk-war, mor-black, nanulg-alternative, nar-no/not, narkramp-refuse, narnulubat-thank you, nink-white, nurz-hostile, piztor-army, pukhl-speak, rad-immediately, rat-ransom, riip-skin, sha-with, shag-demand, shara-human man, sharlob-human woman, shon-omen, snaga-slave, sulmurz-aggressive, taaraanla-afternoon, thrak-bring, trov-territory, u-to, udalug-message, ugadhol-island, ukhl-tell, ulb-blue, uruk-orc, ushum-challenge, uzul-green, zaarsh-today, zaburz-tonight, zaug-must, ziimarp-coward, zug-border.